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No. And that is my whole point. The documents provided only acknowledge

that the DOD should investigate if the possibility exists and to have a

contingency plan put into place should the danger exist. I am happy to know

that the DOD is thinking outside of the box. Proper planning cannot be over

emphasized. I for one am happy to know our DOD is looking out for us.

Can you show me where in the document the GPS system is to be shut down on

a whim or for extended periods? No, it is not stated in that manner

anywhere. In point of fact, the contrary is stated. The document clearly

states that GPS technology is to be improved upon and only selectively shut

down if it were to be used against us and even then in only the most

critical of scenarios. I see absolutely nothing wrong. I am in full support

of the initiative.

If the DOD thought terrorists were able to use our own GPS against us,

don't you think that civilian use would be curtailed already?

Isn't Trimble the head of the lobbyist group for the GPS industry? I would

think that Trimble would be the most concerned since a shut down affects

the equipment he sells. If anyone, he has commercial interests. Yet he

fully supports the measure.

I sincerely doubt that civilian GPS puts us in a "real and present danger"

and have no doubts that it will continue uninterrupted.

I  yet to hear of a company name that relies upon GPS timing signals and

does not have a backup plan in place. I am beginning to believe it is the

figment of an over active imagination, much like many other of the reponses

in these threads.

Chicken Little and "The Sky is Falling" has been replaced by "Bush is going

to shut down the GPS system forever".

But let's keep making those Straw Dogs.

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