Garmin 3 Pilot "Software Missing" fixed.

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by Alastair Mackenzie, Oct 15, 2015.

  1. Alastair Mackenzie

    Alastair Mackenzie

    Oct 15, 2015
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    I was asked to take a look at a Garmin Pilot 3 for a friend. On switch on, the unit displayed "Software Missing" in large letters on the screen. All you could do was turn it on or off. None of the master reset type actions made any difference. From research on the web it appeared that someone had probably tried to update the operating system which had failed to install properly. Here's how I fixed it...

    (1.) I connected the unit with a serial port lead to my old Windows XP computer.
    (2.) I used EasyGPS software for Windows XP.
    (3.) I opened up the software on the computer and switched on the GPS (which still displayed "Sofware Missing" on the screen.
    (4.) I think I then clicked on the GPS button on the computer screen and then on "Display GPS Information". the EasyGPS software talked to the Garmin and came back with the following info. "Garmin III Pilot, Software Version 2.01, GPS Model 71, version 201".
    (5.) This indicated that the unit did have software installed and that it was one of the upgradable versions - as per the Garmin website.
    (6.) I then downloaded the Garmin 3 Pilot version 2.07 Updater software from the Garmin website and unzipped it onto my Windows XP computer.
    (7.) I then ran the Updater file on the Windows XP computer with the GPS switched on and still attached with the serial port lead.
    (8.) The software recognised the GPS was attached to comm1 and then deleted the old files on the GPS and uploaded new ones. This took approx. 2 minutes. Whilst this was happening the GPS screen came up with a new message saying software updating or something to that effect.
    (9.) Once the upload had completed the GPS came back to life and worked perfectly.
    (10.) I then ran the End of Weeks GpsEow software to boot the date into 2016.
    (11.) I then switched off the unit and switched it back on again outside with a good view of the sky. As soon as it had locked onto 4 satellites and gained a 3d fix the time/date was corrected back to today's date in 2015.

    N.B. When I tried to use the Garmin Updater software on my Windows 7 computer connected to the GPS with a serial port to USB connector, the computer didn't connect to the GPS at all.

    Hope this helps someone else.
    Regards, Alastair.
    Alastair Mackenzie, Oct 15, 2015
  2. Alastair Mackenzie

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    You sometimes hit problems when using USB to Serial converters because they use 'external COM numbers' in the range 5 to 12 and it is quite common for old software programs to only allow 'internal COM numbers' i.e. COM ports 1 - 4
    Nuvi-Nebie, Oct 16, 2015
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