Hi All, Just a quick bit of impartial advice. I'm looking to upgrade my current TomTom GPS for my car and, am as sure as I can be that I'll not be getting another TomTom. I've been fighting TomTom for literally 2 years to add a missing SHOPPING CENTER and they've still not done it! So, realistically, that leaves just Garmin and Magellan. Therefore, I would appreciate your experience on this forum regarding when you report a map error or map correction to Garmin. Firstly, how long does it take Garmin to update the maps with the suggested changes? Secondly, if they say they've confirmed the change needs to be made, how efficient are they in getting that requested map update on the next map update? That's been the big fight with TomTom. Thirdly, is it easy to submit map change requests? Although Magellan GPS's seem to have a slightly more expensive price tag ultimately I want to have a GPS where the company actually updates the maps correctly and in a reasonably timely manner i.e. no more than 4 months after being reported. That's the key concern with this GPS. My experience of using Garmin's when I've borrowed friends' GPS hasn't been great regarding badly outdated maps but I don't know if that's a problem with my friends not updating their maps. I await your advice in due course. Many thanks in advance. Regards,