Hi, I am completely new to the world of handheld GPS devices. I am looking into the Garmin eTrex line of GPS devices. Let me first explain my goal. I have a private land where my family and I have made several trails, which are not mapped. I would like to use a GPS device to record my tracks in as much detail as possible (the terrain is quite difficult to navigate) as I travel along all of the trails that we have made. I would then like to export and compile them to create a complete map of our trails, including points of interest (waypoints), which I could then import back onto the GPS. Then a newcomer would be able to follow these trails with the GPS and always know where they are relative to all the trails and waypoints. Is this doable with the eTrex devices? Would the eTrex 10 be sufficient? What would be the best way to do this? Thank you!!
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