Garmin GPSMAP67 before I hit the Buy button again...

Discussion in 'General GPS Discussion' started by NeilP, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. NeilP


    Jul 16, 2024
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    I ordered a Garmin GPSMAP67 last week, but due my location (Jersey) they decided now they can't ship to me.

    So, before I go and find anew place to order from ...what else is out there worth looking at in a waterproof shock proof handheld of similar size that i can use for walk-in / trekking..GeoCaching... Idealy with Mac software.

    SO far I have only ever used Garmin, apart from a quick foray in to a motorcycle TomTom..then I went back to a Zumo.

    Colour screen ideally as big or bigger than the 67 screen.
    Does not need camera, iridium connection or two way radio.

    NeilP, Jul 17, 2024
  2. NeilP

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    As far a Garmin units are concerned the 67 is pretty much at the top of the list, you have to concider your requirements, eg:- all handheld units are waterproof to some degree, however if you are using it in a marine environment then I would say a floating unit like the 79 is more suitable (both 67 snd 79 are rated IPX7), the 67 and a few others have dual band (frequency L1 + L5) as well as multi contellations of satellites, which promises better accuracy and faster 'fix' times
    Nuvi-Nebie, Jul 19, 2024
  3. NeilP


    Jul 16, 2024
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    I was wondering about the bigger Montana 700 too, just for the bigger screen.

    Now i have started trying out OpenStreetMap maps I think I’ll pass on the British Ordnance Survey cards, as the prices are so high when compared to other countries maps, but not actually had a chance to view one for real.

    I do go boating / sailing on occasion, but all the boats I go on tend to have big full screen devices, so a floating unit is not a real necessity, altough nice to have.

    I’ll do a Compare later when back home to check it out.

    From the reading / searching I have done since posting this, there does not seem to be a lot of other choice as far as different brands go. Actually quite suprised.
    NeilP, Jul 19, 2024
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