Garmin Montana 600 no back light

Dec 25, 2023
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hi guys.
i have two Garmin Montana 600s and on one of them the back lights seems to have dropped to barely visible.
i have tried using the slider and a have done a factory reset with no difference, i have even swapped batteries over and still no change, anyone else come across this?
Does the backlight work correctly when the unit is powered externally via the USB socket? , I understand that you have swapped batteries but the manual does say, "The backlight brightness may be limited when the battery is low", so maybe the Montana is measuring the battery voltage incorrectly and limiting the brightness
As you have a working Montana and obviously know how to control the backlight brightness I am struggling with suggestions, you are in a position to compare the two units for differences between to units, eg. batteries, software versions, settings etc. and if you can't find any differences I would say maybe the backlight LEDs themselves may be faulty, that is a pretty rare thing to happen but is all that I can think of

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