Garmin Rino 530 & MapSource Maps Locked

Apr 2, 2019
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I have a Garmin Rino 530 handheld that I bought back in 2006.


It was one of their high-end Garmin handhelds at the time.

It's been a workhorse and I like it a lot. The range on the GMRS radio with the 5W of power has been fantastic.

Between that unit and the sets of Garmin MapSource map CDs I bought for it, I put well over $700 into the setup.

My old computer that I ran the MapSource software and transferred maps, tracks and waypoints to and fro to Rino 530 unit, just died...

So I got out a set of MapSource CDs I bought (MapSource Topo Canada) and loaded the MapSource software to my new laptop computer. I also ran a legacy updater (downloaded from the garmin support site) that flashed the newest firmware to my Rino 530 unit. That completed fine.

I then loaded the MapSource Topo Canada maps into the MapSource software on the new computer.

The only problem... The maps are now "locked" in the new installation of the mapsource software.

These maps were not locked when I bought them.

I contacted garmin support about this and they confirmed that my Rino 530 has to use the old MapSource software (my device is not supported by the newest garmin express software platform.)

And here's the kicker...

Support also said that they discontinued the "unlock" verification process as part of the MapSource software last year, so no maps - unlocked versions or not, can be used in any new installations of the legacy MapSource software.

So my perfectly working Rino 530 is no longer allowed to use the MapSource maps I paid for, because Garmin will no longer allow it.

Garmin support suggested I buy a new GPS unit and map sets.

Has anyone else run into this bait and switch nonsense?

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You haven't mentioned Garmin Basecamp (the Garmin replacement for Mapsource) in your post, will the Mapsource CDs load into Basecamp?, will Basecamp unlock the maps from these CDs?, will Basecamp send maps to your Rino?
You haven't mentioned Garmin Basecamp (the Garmin replacement for Mapsource) in your post, will the Mapsource CDs load into Basecamp?, will Basecamp unlock the maps from these CDs?, will Basecamp send maps to your Rhino?


I had not tried using BaseCamp and am not familiar with it (since my original MapSource installation has worked well until recently when the computer died.)

Is that an option and is there a good reference page on getting a working version of that installed? The only thing I know about it is Garmin has deprecated it too.

Also, support is telling me that the MapSource map CDs I bought are now permanently locked and there is no way to unlock them again (even if they were not locked map sets to begin with.) They have effectively rescinded the license for me to use the Garmin map data products I legally purchased end rendered the GPS unit no longer functional.

I found a 3rd party utility "MapSource Map Unlocker" on another forum... but that was posted to a download website as an archive a few years ago and it did not behave as expected when I downloaded... and I could not complete the install anyways as unzip utility prompted a password requirement form to unpack it. I was also worried it may be compromised by malware.

This is what Garmin support told me verbatim about the issue:

"Your device and mapping product have both been discontinued from service and production several years ago. Once we took the online map unlocking program offline last year, there is not going to be a way to get these maps authenticated on your Rino.

Going forward the only thing I can suggest is to consider starting over with a current device and compatible up to date map for the device."
I'm no lawyer, but it would seem to me that Garmin has effectively invalidated my license to use the products I purchased from them, even though I paid for license and the license is not subscription based. I am sure there is some sort of legal ease terms and conditions CYA I clicked through as part of the MapSource software install installation that states they can rescind the license at any time, but doesn't change the fact it's a terrible business practice.

I get that they have been continuously focused on protecting their map data products from unauthorized usage, but invalidating valid, purchased licenses for existing legal customers seems more than problematic and moreover a terrible customer experience.

This is my second GPS handheld I bought from Garmin (also had an older etrex legend.). I also bought a Nuvi road GPS and have purchased (2) Garmin fish finders for my boats. I am a garmin guy.

I will never buy one of their products again unless they fix this.

I responded to support as follows (waiting to hear back):

"Since you have deprecated the maps and the device by default, can I exchange my device and maps with you for a working comparable device model and mapset?"​

We'll see what they say. I am not holding my breath.

I haven't found other instances like this that other customers have experienced, so I wonder if I have gone down the wrong path here and been given bad information by support?

Thx. for any advice you can offer.

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I think Basecamp is worth trying, (See link HERE), it is free to download and the link provides installation instructions and tutorials.

I'm keen to see what Garmin offers you (if anything), but I woudn't be too optimistic, if you have no luck with Garmin maps you might look at the free to download maps that are converted from Open Street Maps (See link HERE), these maps should work on your Rino
I think Basecamp is worth trying, (See link HERE), it is free to download and the link provides installation instructions and tutorials.

I'm keen to see what Garmin offers you (if anything), but I woudn't be too optimistic, if you have no luck with Garmin maps you might look at the free to download maps that are converted from Open Street Maps (See link HERE), these maps should work on your Rino

Thx for the suggestions.

Sadly, I use this Rino 530 handheld for outdoor excursions off grid - hiking as well as backcountry fishing in the remote bush in Canada.

I need the Topo map sets for these purposes (street maps are of little use in the backcountry.)

It's been very handy in the Canada backcountry in particular, where we fish a web of interconnected rivers and lakes with no shoreline visual markers other than trees, rocks and sand. It's gotten me "unlost" several times.

I will give BaseCamp a try, but am not too optimistic since support said my MapSource Topo CDs are essentially permanently locked now.
Open Street Maps is a world wide free map that is contributed to by thousands of users, it was originally set up to map 'Streets', however it now has many off road features, so the suggestion is to take a look at the on-line version of the map to see if it has the detail you require, if it doesn't then obviously it of no use to you, this link is for the Banff National Park area :-

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