My first GPS was a 12 I used until Etrex time and it was put in the cupboard. I retired, did other things and had need for a gps again. Dam! the Etrex was quirky which I put down to buttons being frequently unworkable by - I think - the shock absorbing material deteriorating. Anyway, I had 2 Garmin 12's in the cupboard. Fired them up. All Ok -except the date rollover of course. Fixed that OK. One has the 3.50 versions of firmware, the other has the 4.50 versions I cannot get my win10 PC to update the 3.50 machine. Windows will not run the software and I cant get a "compatibility" mode to fix it. Now, in the dim dark past, I think the two versions were two different and incompatible beasts but cant recall the detail. Do any of you oldies reckon I can load the 3.50unit with the 4.50 software and have 2 identical working units or will it brick the 3.50 version ???