GPS Algorithm between two points

Dec 28, 2024
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I am wondering whether anyone can help me with a GPS related algorithm. I would like to compute the angle between two points. Here is a breakdown of the steps as I have them in my notes:

  1. From Google Maps I paste the coordinates (conversion necessary??) of point A
  2. From Google Maps I paste the coordinates (conversion necessary??) of point B
  3. Assuming I am facing north at point A
    1. What is the line of sight distance between the two points
    2. What is the angle of point A relative to Point B
    3. (Besides 3.2) is there another way to compute the direction between these two points?
With the output and a compass, one could fly from A to B.

I would have to start by saying that I don't have the mathematical knowledge to create a formula to do this, however a GPS unit can calculate this by creating points A and B as Waypoints and then plotting a route from A to B you will be given a distance and heading (angle from North), Also you can get Google Earth Pro to do this, if you create a Placemark at point 'A' and then use 'Show Ruler', click on 'A' and drag the yellow line to point B you will be given a distance (Map Length) and angle from north (Heading) in the Ruler info. box


What product are you using. If I can find something that does this I would avoid the hassle of developing something myself. I need to align the antenna of my rural house to the cell tower. The distance is considerable meaning that I have to zoom out so much that nothing remains visible.

Furthermore in your example the product says 119.11 degrees but with reference to what? I need a tied down reference hence my selection of North.

All help appreciated.
The product is Google Earth Pro (free to download), the 119.11 degrees is with respect to North at the top of the picture (0 degrees), 90 degrees is due East (right side of picture) 180 degrees is due South (bottom of the picture) and 270 degrees is due West (left side of picture)

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