GPSMAP 64 Track Recording when journey is split.

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by Les Merchant, Apr 7, 2017.

  1. Les Merchant

    Les Merchant

    Apr 7, 2017
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    When I go out for a days walking, I often get a bus, walk for a while then get the bus home, or to another point and walk a bit more.
    When I get home and switch the unit on my GPSMAP 64 has recorded a straight line from where I switched it off at the end of my walk to my home location where I have swtiched it on again. It also shows straight lines between different sections of a walk where I have switched the unit off, got on a bus, then switched it on again when I start walking. I want to be able to see just the distance I have walked not the travelling between on my Trip screen. How do I set the GPS unit to do this? My old GPS 60 Unit only did this every now and again and only between the last walked point and my home location. It never recorded the distance between different walk sections. The map screen would also show my walks as disjointed tracks. I really want to be able to do this on the GPSMAP 64. But how?
    Les Merchant, Apr 7, 2017
  2. Les Merchant

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    What I would expect to happen (on the GPSmap64 and the GPSmap 60), is that when you turn the unit off, the 'Track' is terminated and when you turn it back on a new track is started, this would result in say 3 or 4 seperate tracks being recoded in the same day.

    Your unit appears to joining all Tracks together although I can't explain why, you may get what you want by turning tracking off in the menus and turning it back on when you want to start a new track, but it shouldn't be nessessary

    You could try a reset on the unit but beware this will remove all data, so make sure it is backed up before proceeding :-

    1. Ensure the device is powered off.
    2. Press and hold Page and Enter simultaneously.
    3. Power on the GPS while continuing to press both buttons.
    4. Release the buttons once the Do you really want to erase all user data? message appears.
    5. Select Yes.
    Nuvi-Nebie, Apr 7, 2017
  3. Les Merchant

    Les Merchant

    Apr 7, 2017
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    Yes, It's as though it treats turning of the gps as a lost signal and when switched back on again, it acquires the satellites and does the straight line join from the last point.

    I will persevere a little more before I do a re-set.
    Les Merchant, Apr 11, 2017
  4. Les Merchant

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Just a quick note, I have recently bought a GPSMAP64s and it does not store tracks in the same way as the GSPMAP60, on the 60 each power-on starts a new numbered Active log track so trips are automatically split for you, the 64 has a single 'Current' Track that can contain many separate trips all joined together, however you can get the GPSMAP64 to Archive every day, this will also contain a single 'joined' track as a GPX file, you can also save individual 'trips' from the Current track by selecting it and then selecting 'Save Portion' this will list the starting time of each individual 'trip' so that it can be save as a separate GPX file, this is not as convenient as [power-on = new file] but it's better than nothing

    On the GPSMAP64 all files Archived or saved from the Current Track will retain the time and date stamp from the original Current Track - this was not the case on the GSPMAP60, where saved files lost this time/date info.
    Nuvi-Nebie, Feb 20, 2020
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