How to turn off Roadside Services, Nuvi 2598

Aug 21, 2021
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Not sure if it has always been like it or if there has been a software change but in the Up Ahead menu I have petrol stations, restaurants and roadside services. The first two might be useful at times but the last one shows every layby as a toilet stop, which in the UK they aren't. On one stretch of road with a layby every mile I've got so many blue blobs showing on the display I can hardly see the route! Tried to turn them off but they have a greyed out tick next to them and it doesn't look like they can be turned off. I can turn off Up Ahead but that then turns off everything. Anyone got any ideas of how to turn them off?
Your 2598 may have different options, but on my Nuvi 56 it is possible to select what is displayed in the 'Up Ahead' menu, from the Main Menu go to Settings >>Map & Vehicle >> Map Layers, then select the grey arrow to the right of Up Ahead Places to show the Customise Up Ahead page, then select an option, say Roadside Services to show the Select Options to Display screen, where to can select (or de-select) each displayed option



That looks identical to mine, I can re-order the Up Ahead options but not delete them, and the greyed out tick suggests they are there by default and can't be turned off. I've tried swiping left, right, up and down, touching and holding and nothing lets me switch the tick off.
The trick with the Nuvi 56 is to swop the one you don't want with something else, e.g. :-

Touch Roadside Services in picture 2
Select another option with a + against it e.g. Banks & Cashpoints

When you return to screen 2 you will see that Banks & Cashpoints has replaced Roadside Services
Thank you. Menu is slightly different on the 2598 as it doesn't have the grey arrow on the Map Layers but I knew I'd seen the Customise Up Ahead menu somewhere and found it eventually. I now have banks and cashpoints instead of roadside services. Shame you have to have any 3 of the options, just having petrol stations and nothing else would be better and make the map less cluttered, particularly in built up areas.
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On picture 3 "Select Opion to Display" screen, there is a "Custom Search" option, here you can enter "Buisness Name or Category ", I entered "ZZZ" >> Done, then selected an Icon for this new search, on returning to screen 2 the new ZZZ option had replaced Roadside Serices, you can then Custom search XXX and get it to replace say Restaurants, so now your 3 options are Petrol Stations, ZZZ and XXX, obviously ZZZ and XXX won't display anything when using Up Ahead Places
Absolutely brilliant, thank you. Just nipped outside and done it. Looking forward to a clutter free display in the morning.

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