Loading gpx file onto Montana 610 without using Basecamp

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by Coby Black, Jul 2, 2023.

  1. Coby Black

    Coby Black

    Jul 2, 2023
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    I'm new to the forum, but not new to Garmin. I've had multiple GPS units and used Basecamp extensively through the years.

    I'm still using a Montana 610, and I have thousands of routes, tracks and waypoints over two decades using Basecamp. However, since a Windows 10 update last January, Basecamp is not fully functioning. It sees everything and manipulates everything on the unit and all my backup GPX files. However, "Import" is never available on the File dropdown list. It "sees" the past, and anything I add as I currently use the Montana, but it won't import a gpx from another source.

    I have files downloaded from AllTrails. I have copied and pasted them into the Garmin/GPX files on both the SD card and the internal storage of the Garmin, but the unit doesn't "see" them.

    Without fully functioning Basecamp, is there any way to add a *****.gpx file into the Montana 610?

    Any suggests would be welcome! thanks
    Coby Black, Jul 2, 2023
  2. Coby Black


    Mar 8, 2021
    Likes Received:
    I use a 610 and for years have been just copy/pasting my gpx files to the Garmin/GPX folder.
    The only time I've had the unit 'not see' them is if I've messed the gpx format up somehow.
    They are viewable and editable in a text editor, perhaps compare one that does work on the 610 with one that doesn't in a text editor and look at the formatting between the 2?
    I wouldn't have them in both the internal storage and SD card at the same time, the 610 can read them from either location, from memory I think having them in both locations caused a double-up with waypoints, not sure about track logs.

    The formatting should look similar to this for a waypoint file.

    EDIT: the formatting may be displayed all in one line when you open in a text editor if it's been saved by the 610, not multiple lines like my example saved in GPSBabel below.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <gpx version="1.0" creator="GPSBabel - https://www.gpsbabel.org" xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0">
      <bounds minlat="-24.689090000" minlon="149.109600000" maxlat="-23.438044000" maxlon="151.305796000"/>
      <wpt lat="-23.438044000" lon="150.446091000">
        <name>Gracemere turnoff</name>
        <cmt>Bruce Highway-Gracemere</cmt>
        <desc>Bruce Highway</desc>
        <sym>Flag, Blue</sym>
      <wpt lat="-24.689090000" lon="151.305796000">
        <name>End bitumen calliope rd</name>
        <cmt>Start of dirt</cmt>
        <desc>North of Monto</desc>
        <sym>Flag, Blue</sym>
      <wpt lat="-23.748858000" lon="149.109600000">
        <name>Charlevue Rd + Blackdown Tableland</name>
        <cmt>Turnoff to B-Down Tbland</cmt>
        <desc>Capricorn Highway</desc>
        <sym>Flag, Blue</sym>
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2023
    LostAgain, Jul 3, 2023
  3. Coby Black

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Basecamp will 'grey out' the import option if you are not importing into 'My Collection', so you have to ensure you have selected 'My Collection' prior to selecting File >> Import
    Nuvi-Nebie, Jul 5, 2023
    LostAgain likes this.
  4. Coby Black

    Coby Black

    Jul 2, 2023
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    Thanks for both the responses. The "My Collection" post did the trick....I should have known that! I was trying to import directly onto a list. Selecting "Alldata.gbd" did the job. Appreciate the help!
    Coby Black, Jul 5, 2023
    LostAgain likes this.
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