MAPGPS1242XVS wrong auto routing

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by tnyeste, Jul 24, 2023.

  1. tnyeste


    Jul 22, 2023
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    I have been having issues with the routing my 1242XVS is giving me. Last week I did an auto route from Winter Harbour in Saturn Island to Port Browning Marina on north Bender Island. It directed me out through a narrow cut with strong current into the Strait of Georgia then south around bottom of Saturna then north to Porto Brewing. This was about 3 times as long as simply going north out of winter cove and a short distance to Port Browning. It actually took me through an island to get to Cabbage Island. Checked my settings for depth, distance from shore etc. and everything looked good. Chatted with Garmin but they had no solution. Has anybody been getting similar wrong directions on their auto route option?

    Thx Tom
    tnyeste, Jul 24, 2023
  2. tnyeste

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    The majority of users of autoroute will only be familar with 'on-road' Routes, where a satnav will select a road / Track etc. on the map, if there is more than one possible Route the satnav will make a choice based on options like fastest, shortest, avoiding toll roads etc.

    As the marine equivalent doesn't have any fixed 'roads' to select, I guess it can only apply the information it has access to, eg:- water depth, restrictions on where you can / can't go etc. and I presume you supply the 1242 with the minimum water depth etc. for your vessel so that it can plot a safe Route for your particular craft
    Nuvi-Nebie, Jul 26, 2023
  3. tnyeste


    Jul 22, 2023
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    Thanks for the response. Yes I put all the information in as per draft, minimum water, distance from shore etc. What doesn't make sense is it is disregarding these. The cut it was taking me through would only be 60-80 feet wide, low water level and numerous rocks and shoals. As I said it was also about three times as long. I'm familiar with the area so i just exited the cove on a nice wide deep channel. That was the second time in two days that it had given em weird directions. The previous day it had taken me past a very wide deep channel and routed me farther east and south than was necessary. The final turn into the bay was actually recommending i go across an island. (No water).

    My next door neighbour has a 45 Carver and he said his Garmin had taken him through there and he didn't know any better. Once he was into it he was committed and said scary. Just weird. Hopefully other guys are taking these routes with a grain of salt.

    Again Thanks Tom
    tnyeste, Jul 26, 2023
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