New GARMIN NUVI user with basic questions

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by pwschuh, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. pwschuh


    Feb 14, 2015
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    I finally gave up my very old Magellan today when parts of the screen became no longer touch-sensitve and I couldn't enter data. I ran to the store and picked up a LM 52.

    It seems like an OK unit but doesn't do some obvious things that my 7 year old unit did.

    For instance, when I search in the Food category, why is there is no selection for Coffee? Is there a short-cut for entering coffee shops as a Favorite search or am I missing something obvious?

    Also, can I turn off the speed limit sign display. It displayed erroneous speeds a few times on my way home today and it is distracting. For instance It was displaying 50 MPH on a road that was very clearly marked with 40 MPH signs.

    This unit also seems very reluctant to show my actual location when I am not on a road that it knows about. For instance, I have a longish driveway but when I turn onto my driveway and drove down it for 50 or 60 yards, it still showed my car as back on the street, slowly drifting towards the next intersection. Can I make it less reluctant to take me "off-road"? My old Magellan used to follow me anywhere, regardless whether or not it saw a road. It showed me moving off the road after only a 10 or 15 yards.

    Thanks for your help.
    pwschuh, Feb 14, 2015
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