Nuvi 3590 with strange black marks on map, not screen as you can scroll around.

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by pauld, Jun 29, 2023.

  1. pauld


    Jun 29, 2023
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Hi all,

    New here :) I did search but couldn't find anything similar.

    My 3590 has black marks, generally looking like grey texta/felt tip pen marks, a block of them say; 9 lines in parallel, then normal map, another block with different grey lines. These can be different each time I restart.
    I can scroll around and the marks/blocks move with the map.
    I have tried restarting (not full reset). Changed most of the menu options, still with other styles the marks remain, maps are up-to-date, so is the software.
    It does correctly navigate.
    Any thoughts gratefully received.
    I will try to upload a pic.
    Thanks, Paul

    Attached Files:

    pauld, Jun 29, 2023
  2. pauld

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    If these black marks were always on the same part of the screen I would say the LCD display (or the connectors to it) are damaged, however as they scroll around the screen I would say there is a block of memory that is corrupted and when the map tries to display that area then the black marks appear

    If the map is held on microSD card then it may be that the corrupted memory is also on the microSD and downloading the map onto a new microSD will fix the problem, If the corrupted memory area is 'internal' then I think your only option is to try a full factory reset, but if the map is 'internal' then you could force the map to be written to a microSD card and remove the map from the corrupted 'internal' memory area


    The bad news is that screen display memory is probably not the same as the memory that actually holds the map, it is more likely to be an area of internal RAM that is not replaceable, so if the factory reset / new microSD doesn't work the unit would need to be replaced
    Nuvi-Nebie, Jun 29, 2023
  3. pauld


    Jun 29, 2023
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Hi, thanks for your help, that makes perfect sense.
    I have now restored the 3590 and all appears as usual, no more stange black marks.
    I suppose it could have been memory corruption, which was corrected with a reset?
    Anyway, everything is fine now,
    Thanks again :)
    pauld, Jul 2, 2023
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