NW TOPO maps

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by [email protected], Jul 29, 2014.

  1. trood3@comcast.net

    [email protected]

    Jul 29, 2014
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    I was able to load nw topo on my etrex legend hcx but can't seem to master the set up. For instance, I want to zoom into an area slowly so I can get printed as I find what I'm looking for. But, the zoom in goes in big increments. Like at one point it goes from a 9km zoom right too a 2km zoom. Which is to close in to orient myself. The manual could be less helpful as you may know. So a good place to start Marty be asking if there is a set up. Maybe in base camp?
    [email protected], Jul 29, 2014
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