Old E-Trex Venture (Serial device) loading OpenStreet maps

Discussion in 'Garmin GPS' started by NeilP, Jul 16, 2024.

  1. NeilP


    Jul 16, 2024
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    First question, which I can answer....Do In need to do this...
    Answer..No not really...but it is just bugging me that I can't remember how I did it before.

    So I have an old E-Trex AA powered Venture GPS with latest 5.90 Firmware and End of Week rolloever updated to give correct date.

    I am doing this on an Apple Mac...but I do have Win XP Win 7 or 10 on laptops and Virtual machines.

    So, two days ago i had some maps that were too big to upload to the measly memory in the Venture..think it is something like 5mb. I kept getting a "Failed to upload " message and it would not copy the map over.

    Now Today, after mucking about with BBBike OpenStreetMap map downloads I pulled some maps off that were small area that should upload.....but and now here is the snag.

    I can't remember what app/ program I used to attempt the upload with yesterday...

    I thought it was garmin MapInstall..but no ..that refuses to see the Device.

    I know the USB - Serial connector and driver is working ...i can still acquire and send Tracks/Waypoints to/from the device using "Load My Tracks" app.

    JaVaWa Device Manager won't see it ...but I am damn sure it did yesterday....
    MapSource can see the device on a real machine or on a Virtual machine on the Mac

    Does any one have any idea how / what software should be able to send maps over to Venture?

    have been on this now for about 12 hours today ...and that is on top of yesterday ... I have far better newer GPS units, but this little one does its job, and i'd like to just get a map on it again ...just because I do not want this to beat me if nothing else!
    NeilP, Jul 16, 2024
  2. NeilP

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Have you ever successfully downloaded a map to this device ?, my understanding is that it is supplied with a basemap and that this map can't be updated, the manual refers to transferring waypoint, POIs etc. but not maps
    Nuvi-Nebie, Jul 17, 2024
  3. NeilP


    Jul 16, 2024
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    No, not before.
    BUT as I did say in my rambling initial post, I did at one point get to a stage (with ???? Mapinstall, I would have sworn, ). That it said it could see the device and the 6mb map was too big.

    so then a day playing with BBBike OpenStreet downloads, I created a small basic map.. but then could not work out how I had got to the previous stage !
    NeilP, Jul 17, 2024
  4. NeilP


    Jul 16, 2024
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    Yes, I see that page now about Waypoints and POI's

    I'd be 100% certain I had a failure of map loading due to lack of memory...but maybe it was waypoints...

    Looks like it is not possible so ..well that is OK..I can rest easy now and not keep banging my head against this particular wall!

    Just waiting the arrival of the Garmin 67. I was going to get it with full UK OS mapping..but that doubles the price...and now I have got to grasp with OpenStreet maps...and the likelihood i will be suing in France more than the UK..I'll pass on the British OS maps....

    Out of interest..any idea why the OS maps are so expensive compared to French IGN ? is it that the Brit OS maps are that much more detailed ..or is Ordnance Survey UK just being greedy?
    NeilP, Jul 17, 2024
  5. NeilP

    Nuvi-Nebie Moderator

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I would go for option 2

    Also try the other free OSM - Garmin sites :-
    Nuvi-Nebie, Jul 19, 2024
  6. NeilP


    Jul 16, 2024
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    NeilP, Jul 19, 2024
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