Roadmate 700 not powering on

Discussion in 'Magellan GPS' started by konsole, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. konsole


    Oct 26, 2014
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    I know this is a long shot seeing as this unit is about 10 years old, and also how this forum isnt exactly hopping, but here goes...

    I found a Magellan Roadmate 700 at a yard sale for real cheap and we tried it out and it powered on at the time. I took it home and it seemed to be working ok. 3 issues I noticed where that the volume knob was intermittent, sometimes worked sometimes didnt, but I seemed to able to get it to a point where it was working most of the time after a reset. Another problem I noticed was that there was random power loss, or what seemed to be. The unit would shut off randomly and then turn back on. The DC/AC adapter cable wasnt the issue because I tried another DC/AC and got the same result. Also I don't know if you can power the unit with USB cable but the unit wouldnt power on when connecting to my computer via USB either. The third problem was that even after resetting the GPS and initializing the GPS in the setup, the unit would not lock onto satellites and so would not pickup the current location. This was even after sitting outside on a clear day for 30 minutes or so. The satellite icon in the lower right would just keep spinning and spinning.

    Maybe the issue with the satellites could be resolved with a software or firmware update. However the unit will now not turn on at all. It doesnt use batteries so its not a matter of a dead battery. It sounded like the hard drive was making some concerning noise, so I'm thinking it may be a hard drive issue, but I don't know if a bad hard drive would prevent the unit from powering up at all. Oddly enough I believe this unit was manufactured 2004, but after taking it apart I noticed a sticker on the hard drive that said 2006. So it appears the hard drive was replaced at some point. When I had it apart I didnt notice any burnt sections of the electrical board or bulging capacitors or lose connections.

    I could try replacing the cradle and see if that is the problem, but this unit isnt really that important to me and I don't want the potential fix to cost much at all especially when its not clear what the fix really is. If the problem means something internal needs to be replaced and its more then like $10, then its probably going in the trash. I don't want to get involved in expensive repairs on a unit this old especially when its not really that important me.

    So I was hoping you guys had any experience with this unit and could lead me to a potential fix for what seems to be the cause of the problem. Perhaps tell me what parts in the unit most commonly go bad?
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2014
    konsole, Oct 26, 2014
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