Trimble GeoExplorer 6000 Series water damage

Oct 22, 2014
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Hi guys,

I am a GIS analyst for an environmental engineering firm, and we have a fleet of Trimble GeoXH6000 GPS units for our Ecology group to use when in the field. We have been experiencing a lot of problems with the 6000 series getting water damage from being used in the rain, sometimes even very light rain.

Now these units are advertised as "water resistant," going as far to say that as long as the battery pack is kept in the unit (which has a small rubber seal on it), the unit will be fine to use in light/moderate rain. This has not been the case for us, as many units have come back in after being out in light rain with their screens not working or the unit constantly rebooting. Luckily we usually save and repair all of the data on the unit before sending it in for repairs (which Trimble doesn't cover under warranty, even though the unit was not submerged in water).

Has anyone had any luck finding a third party waterproof case to keep the unit in while collecting data in the rain? Can somebody recommend any solid, waterproof, sub meter-accuracy GPS units made by a company other than Trimble?

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