MLD wrote:
:: :::
:::: "Should one pay for new maps in order to get POI's? Do you
:::: consider this stealing from
:::: Garmin?"
:::: Of course it is.
::: I wasn't aware that Garmin sold POI updates separately from map
::: updates. Regardless, POI's are available from other sources besides
::: Garmin. Your logic seems akin to being called a thief at Walmart
::: because you dared to go to Target.
:: Sunshine-----you're a man (or girl) after my own heart. I think
:: that you hit the nail on the head. As you noted, POI's are
:: available all over the place--one good source is at
:: Absolutely nothing wrong with using any of these files to supplement
:: what is already factory loaded in your unit. In my case I loaded
:: the POI files containing all "AAA offices and Toyota Dealers" in
:: the country into my Unit. In fact, Garmin supports this activity by
:: providing the means ((POI Uploaded software) to upload these POI's
:: into your unit. Some people try so hard to be self righteous that
:: they can't see the forest because of the trees. It's the "mouth in
:: gear and brain in neutral" syndrome.
:: Per Andrew's mind set--apparently it was wrong--stealing,
:: infringement--you name it--- when I replaced my battery with a non
:: OEM part purchased at another vendor rather than getting hosed by
:: Garmin ( Wal-Mart/Target example). Would he pay the $79 (and get
:: gouged), buy another unit instead (almost halfway there anyway) or
:: go the $20 route and buy a replacement and install it himself?
:: Please enlighten us Andrew.
:: MLD
OK - the original question was "Should one pay for new maps in order to
get POI's?". I was answering that (of course, my opinion) in the
*strictest* sense that if the POIs were in the SAME for-fee map set you
were obtaining without paying for, then yes. Of course if one can get
POIs from other sources that you aren't obligated to pay for, that's fine.
Same with the OEM part.
Your conscious (sic?) should be your guide.