Garmin Map Update

Discussion in 'General GPS Discussion' started by MLD, May 27, 2011.

  1. Perhaps you can have a friend translate Peter H. Coffin's post into
    your native language so you can understand what he said. Then maybe you
    can give a revised answer that is actually responsive to his remark.
    Gene E. Bloch, May 30, 2011
  2. Now, Gene...

    That's just Joel. I've seen enough of his posts and minced words with
    him often enough to realize that if ignorance is truly bliss, he's
    likely the happiest man on the face of the earth. And, to no one's
    surprise, he probably doesn't even realize it.
    Unquestionably Confused, May 30, 2011
  3. I reply to his posts extremely rarely, but this post bugged me much
    more than usual by its lack of comprehension and by its hostility.

    But your comments on his happiness were great fun :)
    Gene E. Bloch, May 30, 2011
  4. MLD

    Lon Guest

    A fairly typical bogus justification statement for what is really just
    Lon, May 30, 2011
  5. MLD

    Lon Guest

    This will probably come as a big shock to the thousands of malware
    authors and script kiddies out there still running around free as a
    breeze. Do you have ANY idea whatsoever what a virus is, laws regarding
    viruses, the number of them out running around in the wild, and the
    miniscule number of prosecutions?

    I think you have no clue what you are talking about, technically or
    Lon, May 30, 2011
  6. MLD

    Ed Pawlowski Guest

    Got it. Thanks.
    Ed Pawlowski, May 30, 2011
  7. MLD

    Andrew Guest

    MLD wrote:
    :: ::: MLD wrote:
    ::::: Have seen a number of sites where you can download "unlocked"
    ::::: Garmin map updates (free). 2012 North American, for example, is
    ::::: available on many of these sites. Has anyone got any experience
    ::::: using any of these locations and updating from any of them?
    ::::: MLD
    ::: I hope I am not reading your post wrong.
    ::: I just recently bought a new Lifetime map unit from Garmin to avoid
    ::: paying fees for their maps.
    ::: If you can afford the unit, pay Garmin the money for the maps and
    ::: stop stealing. It's situations like this that make manufacturers
    ::: put in onerous locking mechanisms that affect the vast majority of
    ::: us that pay for fair intellectual property.

    "Should one pay for new maps in order to get POI's? Do you consider this
    stealing from

    Of course it is. Read some of the other posts I've made in the last few
    months in this NG and you'll see I mentioned precisely this is why I got a
    new unit; it's not so much the maps that get out of date, it's the POIs that
    I find change much more often, and thusly, I got an unit that has lifetime
    map updates mainly because of this POI issue.

    ::: --
    ::: -------------------------------------------------------------
    ::: Regards -
    ::: - Andrew
    :: Andrew
    :: I'm only the messenger--haven't stolen anything! Garmin, however,
    :: encourages this type of activity because they are somewhat greedy in
    :: the way they charge for their products. Case in point: My unit's
    :: battery went South; would no longer hold a charge. Garmin wanted a
    :: flat fee of $79 to service the unit knowing that it was only the
    :: battery that needed replacement. I found a suitable replacement
    :: ( for $20 and it also came with the
    :: tools/instructions to accomplish the changeover. Took me about
    :: 15-20 minutes and the unit was like new again. Obviously, they want
    :: you to throw out the unit and purchase another one.
    :: What about the sites like POI Factory? You can get POI's for just
    :: about anything there , all available to download to your unit.
    :: Should one pay for new maps in order to get POI's? Do you consider
    :: this stealing from Garmin? MLD
    Andrew, May 30, 2011
  8. MLD

    Dave Guest

    <pedant mode>
    Here in the UK, it would be copyright infringement, not "stealing" or
    theft. Neither would it be "piracy".
    </pedant mode>
    Dave, May 30, 2011
  9. MLD

    Sunshine Guest

    I wasn't aware that Garmin sold POI updates separately from map
    updates. Regardless, POI's are available from other sources besides
    Garmin. Your logic seems akin to being called a thief at Walmart
    because you dared to go to Target.
    Sunshine, May 30, 2011
  10. MLD

    MLD Guest

    Sunshine-----you're a man (or girl) after my own heart. I think that you
    hit the nail on the head. As you noted, POI's are available all over the
    place--one good source is at
    Absolutely nothing wrong with using any of these files to supplement what is
    already factory loaded in your unit. In my case I loaded the POI files
    containing all "AAA offices and Toyota Dealers" in the country into my
    Unit. In fact, Garmin supports this activity by providing the means ((POI
    Uploaded software) to upload these POI's into your unit. Some people try so
    hard to be self righteous that they can't see the forest because of the
    trees. It's the "mouth in gear and brain in neutral" syndrome.
    Per Andrew's mind set--apparently it was wrong--stealing, infringement--you
    name it--- when I replaced my battery with a non OEM part purchased at
    another vendor rather than getting hosed by Garmin ( Wal-Mart/Target
    example). Would he pay the $79 (and get gouged), buy another unit instead
    (almost halfway there anyway) or go the $20 route and buy a replacement and
    install it himself? Please enlighten us Andrew.
    MLD, May 31, 2011
  11. MLD

    Andrew Guest

    MLD wrote:
    :: :::
    :::: "Should one pay for new maps in order to get POI's? Do you
    :::: consider this stealing from
    :::: Garmin?"
    :::: Of course it is.
    ::: I wasn't aware that Garmin sold POI updates separately from map
    ::: updates. Regardless, POI's are available from other sources besides
    ::: Garmin. Your logic seems akin to being called a thief at Walmart
    ::: because you dared to go to Target.
    :: Sunshine-----you're a man (or girl) after my own heart. I think
    :: that you hit the nail on the head. As you noted, POI's are
    :: available all over the place--one good source is at
    :: Absolutely nothing wrong with using any of these files to supplement
    :: what is already factory loaded in your unit. In my case I loaded
    :: the POI files containing all "AAA offices and Toyota Dealers" in
    :: the country into my Unit. In fact, Garmin supports this activity by
    :: providing the means ((POI Uploaded software) to upload these POI's
    :: into your unit. Some people try so hard to be self righteous that
    :: they can't see the forest because of the trees. It's the "mouth in
    :: gear and brain in neutral" syndrome.
    :: Per Andrew's mind set--apparently it was wrong--stealing,
    :: infringement--you name it--- when I replaced my battery with a non
    :: OEM part purchased at another vendor rather than getting hosed by
    :: Garmin ( Wal-Mart/Target example). Would he pay the $79 (and get
    :: gouged), buy another unit instead (almost halfway there anyway) or
    :: go the $20 route and buy a replacement and install it himself?
    :: Please enlighten us Andrew.
    :: MLD

    OK - the original question was "Should one pay for new maps in order to get
    POI's?". I was answering that (of course, my opinion) in the *strictest*
    sense that if the POIs were in the SAME for-fee map set you were obtaining
    without paying for, then yes. Of course if one can get POIs from other
    sources that you aren't obligated to pay for, that's fine. Same with the
    OEM part.

    Your conscious (sic?) should be your guide.
    Andrew, May 31, 2011
  12. MLD

    MLD Guest

    At the onset, let me say that it's been nice " to agree not to agree" by
    staying cool and without the usual insulting, name calling behavior that
    often permeates this type of discussion. Having said that, when trying to
    decide whether or not to replace or repair, the cost of the repair is prime.
    Once you get close to 50% of the cost of buying new, one tends to swing
    towards buying new. Don't think that Garmin doesn't bank on that mindset in
    their pricing of maps and repair services. Make it expensive enough, get
    them to throw it away and buy new. If they keep, we'll just rack up the
    profit on our overpriced services/parts. That's my opinion of their
    philosophy. Your hang-up is if one doesn't pay then it's infringement,
    stealing etc---OK, instead of Free, instead of getting an updated map from
    Garmin for $50 I buy a disk or file for $5 from someone who's selling it .
    How/why--well, assume he bought the map and his unit failed before it was
    installed and he decided to buy a Tom Tom. Since I paid something for it
    (albeit not the full blown retail price), have I resolved the ethical
    dilemma that's bothering you? Then again, assume this guy didn't pay for
    the file, does it matter because somewhere along the line someone did buy
    and pay for that Disc/file. For all I know, Mr. X could have been at the
    end of a long line that's been passing it along, who knows. Am I obligated
    to trace the file's history to verify if it's pure and untainted before I
    use it---after all I did pay (something) for it?? Am I obliged to buy
    Retail and only from Garmin? For example, someone buys an OEM auto part
    from a Dealer--finds he doesn't need it--gives it to a friend who gives it
    to a friend who then either gives it to me or sells it to me at a greatly
    reduced price. Am I cheating the Auto maker or the Dealer if I put this
    part in my car??
    MLD, Jun 1, 2011
  13. MLD

    Dave Guest

    That works if it's an original, un-used map disc. Unlike the the car
    part, software or data is easily copied so the car part can only be sold
    once and used once. If you buy a used car part, it's the same part. The
    seller and everyone else down the line to the supplier no longer has the
    use of that part. With software, it's possible that everyone down the
    line to the suppliers still has and is using that software or data.
    Naturally, you can't know that so long as you got the data/software on
    it's original media.

    It's not as clear cut as some would have it.

    If you are talking about downloading from some website other than Garmin,
    then the odds are it's a copy and more than one person is making use of
    the same item which Garmin only sold once. More so if you download it
    and words such as PASSWORD, CRACK, HACK, KEYMAKER, KEYGEN etc are used in
    the description :)
    Dave, Jun 1, 2011
  14. MLD

    Joel Guest

    All human on this planet earth should against stealing, but US, US and all
    the richest countries have been stealing sweat and blood of proplr of poor
    countries for centuries.

    And this is much worse than stealing some stinky copyright stuff some can
    be consider stealing too.
    Joel, Jun 1, 2011
  15. MLD

    Joel Guest

    If you have some brain or smart enough then you may know that we won't or
    rarely see any type of virus in the computer world.
    Joel, Jun 1, 2011
  16. MLD

    Joel Guest

    No, it's Joel who has to see too many STUPID people who can't even
    understand the different between VIRUS vs Trojan/Worm/Malware etc..
    Joel, Jun 1, 2011
  17. MLD

    Joel Guest

    Because too many of you are too STUPID
    Joel, Jun 1, 2011
  18. QED.
    Gene E. Bloch, Jun 1, 2011
  19. MLD

    Lon Guest

    Well, I've been designing computers and software for quite a few decades
    and keep pretty up to date on CERTS and such, so I think we are pretty
    much in agreement you honestly are clueless, but appear to be
    insufficiently clueful to even recognize that status. At which point,
    further discourse would be arguing with a pig.
    Lon, Jun 5, 2011
  20. MLD

    Joel Guest

    You must be too stupid to be honest, and we sure can make a good pig out
    of you.

    Now, point your browser to Google to find out exactly what VIRUS really
    is, how many and how often virus being spotted etc.. Then come back here
    uncurl your pig-tail to give us a good report about VIRUS and your decades
    of BS
    Joel, Jun 12, 2011
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