GPS underwater

Discussion in 'General GPS Discussion' started by ken mankoff, Dec 4, 2003.

  1. ken mankoff

    Peter Guest

    In the case of snow this is due both to the small particle size and to
    the fact that the water is frozen. In the experiment I described before
    in this thread, a layer of water only a few millimeters thick stopped
    reception of the GPS signals. Placing the same plastic lid filled with
    water in the freezer and then repeating the experiment with a layer of
    ice instead of liquid water showed very little reduction in signal
    strength (actually SNR). When bound in a solid, the water molecules
    are not as free to rotate and absorb energy from the EM field.
    Peter, Jan 28, 2005
  2. ken mankoff

    Trantor Guest

    Garmin GPS 12 WILL work underwater. Its a matter of execution. put the gps
    in a water tight seal casing ala underwater camera case. have an external
    connection (water-proof type) for antenna. ensure the antenna is out of
    water. and voila! gps works underwater.
    Trantor, Jan 29, 2005
  3. ken mankoff

    Stan Gosnell Guest

    Having the antenna out of the water has been discussed previously.
    Stan Gosnell, Jan 29, 2005
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