Sam Wormley said:
Tom said:
When will you finally SHUT UP about this?
Considering that this thread is one of the most active
threads on Usenet,
and considering that all of the posters,
other than the General Relativity Cultists
seem to support my position,
I think what Gisse meant to say was
that my posts upset the General Relativity Cultists.
Don't flatter yourself Potter. You are among many that don't
have a good understanding of relativity and because you don't
you are forever disparaging it instead of reading some of
the fine reference provided to you.
It's so much easier for nay-sayers to waste their time arguing
about something that they could learn instead.
As can be seen by his parroting and focus on messengers,
rather than on addressing the content of messages ,
Sam Wormley demonstrates how General Relativity Cultists
waste their time parroting things they don't understand.
They should focus on learning how to THINK,
and DO work that benefits society,
rather than MAKE work that wastes time, money and minds.
To contrast DO WORK with MAKE WORK,
it is helpful to compare General Relativity
to some other scientific models.
After Newton's model,
there were immediate and rapid advances
in mechanics, astronomy, etc.
After Maxwell's model
there were immediate and rapid advances
in chemistry, electricity, etc.
After Watson's and Crick's DNA model
there were immediate and rapid advances
in medicine, genetics, animal husbandry,
the history of the Earth and Mankind,
fighting crime, developing better food crops, etc.
Here we are, 100 years after General Relativity
and it continues to generate more hype and heat
than light and advances.
Note for example, that the taxpayers were forced to pay
about one billion dollars for the Gravity Probe B experiment,
ONE of the MANY experiments used to rationalize General Relativity.
One would think that if the GTR Charlatans and Cultists
possessed such powerful knowledge,
that they would enter the free market
like the guys from Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Intel,
Texas Instruments, Apple, etc. and make billions of dollars,
rather than sucking up billions of the taxpayer's dollars.
Face the facts, GTR is basically a religion,
promoted for racial and religion glorification
by mass media like Time Magazine, the New York Times,
the Washington Post, etc.,
and only fools and the easily conditioned fall for it.
Cult worship of a person or a model
is the greatest obstacle to enlightenment and progress.
Making work,
rather than doing work
is a terrible thing.