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Dave Patton said:
You said:
"Same as the US-Canadian border on the West Coast is not exactly on
the 49th parallel as fixed by a treaty. The error there is about 200m"
There is no "error", and the border is defined by a series
of straight lines between border monuments, not the 49th parallel.
Dave, AFAIK originally the border was defined as the 49th. By people who
had never been out West nor did they particularly give a damn. That is how
it was surveyed. Yes, we have since found out that where they stuck the
sticks in the ground was not exactly the 49th as we define the 49th today.
Being Canadians, good neigbours and realizing the pettiness of the dispute
over a sliver of largely uninhabited territory, we have said "Oh what the
hell, leave the sticks where they are."
Nobody, and I am reasonably sure of this, 100 years ago said "One day, when
we get this Internet thing all set up, there's gonna be a couple of goofs
arguing about this, so let's really screw them up and make the border all
in a wavy line, a bit this way, a bit that way, not enough that anybody
would notice but just enough to mess those two up, besides those straight
lines are so boring, nowattamin?"
If you like, and it makes you sleep better at night, I will amend my
previous statement by replacing the word "error" with the word "difference"
OK? Now you can have a mug of hot chocolate and have a good night's rest
for a change.
Someone said:
"As an interesting aside, I understand that near the Peace Arch border
crossing south of Vancouver, the international boundary is significantly
north of the true position of the 49th parallel."
And you replied:
"About 200m which was the point of my original post. It is not consistent
but generally is it at 49º00'07.n" or 08.n" (WGS84)".
The first part of that statement is fairly close, as the border
monuments from 0(Tsawwassen) through 43(which is near Vedder Mountain)
are all north of 49 degrees 00 minutes 07 seconds(NAD83).
No, Dave, it is not "fairly close", it is as dead on as cheap GPS will
measure. I can send you the waypoins in Ozi wpt file if you like.
I think it was Graham who mentioned the Peace Arch and that is precisely
what I was referring to in my response to him. It is consistent with the
previous statement I had made about the border being about 200m north of
the 49th parallel.
Other than trying to get another opportunity to promote your website, I
really do not understand what exactly is your nitpicking aim in dragging
this one out.
If the two governments did not start a war over it, I don't know why you
and I are.
It is also true that this is not consistent, but it is not
"generally" at any particular latitude, and in fact the average
Who the hell cares?
We spoke of the Peace Arch. Feel free to include a few km on either side
of the Peace Arch and my statements are still accurate.
Sheeeesh, some people's kids ...