Iolaos said:
That doesn't help the ones already in flight.
Gee, I hope that:
1. They had a contingecy for the duration of the flight if there's a
short term GPS integrity event which prevents them from using GPS Sole
Means. Wonder if the last known good positoin report was used to
re-calibrated the INS recently. Guess we'll have to use the well known
drift rates inherent in INS that we've used all these years.
Long term outage affecting those in flight? hmmmm....
"attention paasengers, you may notice a large plane nearby. no, it's
not an escort. please remain calm, we're gonna stick it out for another
36 hours or so till Bush decides to stop fucking with us and GPS comes
good again. expect to see the refueling plane every 12 hours. no
worries, y'all run out of ass before we run out of gas here on GPS Only
Airlines. and no, sir, there's no more pretzels!!!! you should have
thought of that contingency during pre-flight planning!!! now go sit
back down!"
2. If they plan on being up there for 24-72

I hope they found some
new way to compress the heck out of the fuel, or have some in-flight
refueling set up
All of which may be eliminated within the next decade in favor
of GPS.
It just costs too much to maintain all of that stuff.
ICAO and US regulations.
No kidding.
A GPS shutdown right now probably wouldn't be disastrous.
A GPS shutdown ten years from now almost certainly would be.
Which begs the question as to why people are freaking out to this
extent only just now, given that the policy has always had the clause
to shut it off, since it went IOC a decade ago. Reminds me of the SA ON
freak show we were all treated to here several years back. Boy if only
Bush was president then would the entertainment have been so rich.
They'd probably be issuing it on DVD
The EU has examined all of these arguments, and has decided that
it's worth spending several billion Euros to build a system they
can rely on.
Interestingly the primary user (read: economic) over there is the
ground user, not the aviator. In other words, the mission critical user
- the one that everyone so off their rocker, is worried about being
affected by the 'shutdown' - is NOT the primary user. The argument for
it above is specious.
Many countries rely have been relying on GPS for mission critical
aviation apps just fine for years and will continue to do so. Having
worked with several these countries, they understand it's not nearly
anywhere near this doomsday scenario being inferred here from the media
Depsite applying the best of technology, personnel, procedures, nothing
is perfect. An SV can/has/will suffer an anamoly all by iteslf without
any help from the big bad Bush machine. Unitentional interference
can/has/will occur. None of these events have anything to do with local
theatre jamming, intentional acts by terrorists, loss of brain function
by a renegade military officer or leader.
The definition of Integrity includes the phrase <paraphrasing> "timely
noticification of when the system can NOT be safely used." The aviation
integrity requirements are built the very premise that not only can
even the best system function perfectly 100%, the very best ability to
monitor it can never be guaranteed to detect 100% of the time. When it
can, the integrity flag doesn't know if the proection level exceeded
the alert limit due to an anamoly or because Big Bad Bush shut it off.
It flags the same. When it can't, procedures are already built in, to
account for the contigency.
Anyone stepping into the cockpit w/o a thorough understanding of
contingencies (either through ignorance or worse, the 'macho flyboy
mentality") is not someone with whom I want to be flying.
Despite claims repeated countless numbers of times that the USA tried
to block the entire program (in reality the major issues were sound
technical ones of interoperability and compatability wrt the signal
structure, spectrum protection, etc., as well as the EU having to come
up with a design that satisfied a very complex set of requirements and
constraints spanning the technical, political and economic), the more
thinking back here on Earth is an understanding that the two systems
shall complement each other, not compete with each other.
It should also be noted that, besides the two operational
constellations (GPS and GLONASS), Galileo is not the only other planned
game in town. I think the EU senses the clock is ticking from other
planned/existing systems as much as the US does from it. How accurately
it ticks doesn't matter, it's how loudly
Peronally, I'm looking forward to the block II-Fs orbiting with L5.
Could begin seeing a few of them right around the time perhaps Galileo
and perhaps others are coming online. I think it was George Carlin who
did a skit on Euthenasia by responding with something like "heck with
that, you got a needle with something in it, stick it in me!!" Bring
it all on.
Perhaps these threads of death, doom and destruction, soon won't be the
only game in town...
But continue painting in whatever colors y'all think are the purest....