Einstein's Relativity and Everyday Life -- Clifford M. Will

Discussion in 'General GPS Discussion' started by Sam Wormley, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. Sam Wormley

    Tom Potter Guest

    No doubt jon will see my reply to his post.

    Thanks for the invite,
    but you'll have to wait in line as many
    folks want me to visit them,
    and my relatives and old friends are
    at the top of the list.

    Why not have some "good physics discussions"
    in the newsgroups>

    Tom Potter
    Tom Potter, Jun 9, 2006
  2. Sam Wormley

    Tom Potter Guest

    Tom Potter, Jun 9, 2006
  3. Sam Wormley

    Tom Potter Guest

    Tom Potter, Jun 9, 2006
  4. Sam Wormley

    Tom Potter Guest

    "Phineas T Puddleduck" makes a good point:
    when he points out that I am unwilling to waste
    any more of my time on simple mathematical concepts
    regarding astrology, feng shui, General Relativity,
    and other things that waste time, money and minds,
    and generate more heat than light.

    Regarding dating the Galileo equation,
    as can be seen from the works of Galileo
    and Newton they didn't use the same mathematical
    notation in those days, but translated to modern notation,
    the equation I list is what Galileo discovered,
    and what Newton used to compute many things about the Earth.

    As "Phineas T Puddleduck" made a psychological analysis of me,
    I'll return the favor. A description of his mental condition can be found


    As I have pointed out before,
    you get better information from the horse's mouth
    than you do from a horse's ass.

    If anyone thinks that I am the issue,
    they can visit my web sites, and see all kinds
    of pictures on me in my normal habitat.

    I will be looking forward to seeing "Phineas T Puddleduck"
    post his real name, as I do, and real data on himself, as I do,
    so that the folks can decide who has more credibility.

    Tom Potter
    Tom Potter, Jun 9, 2006
  5. Sam Wormley

    Phil Wheeler Guest

    Are we going to have to rename SAA to "Einstein's Relativity and
    Everyday Life -- Clifford M. Will" forum?

    This thread is getting tedious. Filter time, I guess.

    Phil Wheeler, Jun 9, 2006
  6. Sam Wormley

    Sam Wormley Guest

    Sam Wormley, Jun 9, 2006
  7. Sam Wormley

    Bhanwara Guest

    Well, maybe there is "empty space", maybe there isn't.
    (I suppose you could get very close to zero for
    the most part.)

    But I was more focused on the historical development.

    The physics development of late 1800's is dependent
    upon the "medium question", i.e. "if light is a wave,
    how could it possibly get to us through empty space
    without a medium?"

    A failure to have an explanation like mine, resulted
    in the rise of serious mysticism in physics: photons,
    duality, relativity & co. Otherwise physics would
    have been 100 years ahead in these directions.
    Bhanwara, Jun 9, 2006
  8. You do realise such extraordinary claims fire up peoples k00k detectors
    don't you? Trying to claim that YOU ALONE have the fast track to truth
    is pretty staggering.
    Phineas T Puddleduck, Jun 9, 2006
  9. Sam Wormley

    Phil Wheeler Guest

    Ooops ... sci.geo.satellite-nav
    Phil Wheeler, Jun 9, 2006
  10. Sam Wormley

    dda1 Guest

    Bhanwara aka Imbecile Mukesh Prasadwrote:
    Not only cretin but an arrogant cretin, Mukesh Prasad.
    dda1, Jun 9, 2006
  11. Sam Wormley

    Sue... Guest

    I see. I doubt hydrogen atoms were much scarcer
    back in the 1800s than today but as far as I know,
    no one has been keeping count of them. Today
    they are estimated no fewer than one per cubic centimeter.
    So there shouldn't be too many nooks and crannys where
    light can get stuck with no way to get somewhere. ;-)

    Sue..., Jun 9, 2006
  12. Sam Wormley

    Eric Gisse Guest

    That you are a crank? Yea.

    You have no proof of your inane ramblings, nor will you ever because
    you are WRONG.
    Eric Gisse, Jun 9, 2006
  13. Sam Wormley

    Eric Gisse Guest

    There is nothing you can say that can turn something that is patently
    wrong into something that is not wrong.
    Why? You are an idiot.

    If you are making such idiotic assertions, there is nothing I can say
    that can change the fact you are an idiot.

    You have no education in mathematics, or physics. Stop pretending you
    do. But sure, go ahead and say I'm wrong. I don't care - you are an
    Eric Gisse, Jun 9, 2006
  14. Sam Wormley

    Bhanwara Guest

    Why whould I say you are wrong? I am not debating my education
    or my IQ. You are trying to debate my education and my IQ. I
    am simply trying to debate the science and the facts.
    Bhanwara, Jun 9, 2006
  15. Sam Wormley

    Bhanwara Guest

    I make no such claim. The claims I put forth are entirely factual,
    such as "here is how light can travel without a medium",
    or "GR is based upon SR, here is how."

    My facts get the goat of egotistical and superstitious people,
    because they thought what they knew was the only truth,
    and that gets challenged.

    E.g. if an Eric Gisse or a Tom Roberts had been trained to believe in
    a flat earth, and then they had been given factual information that
    said the earth is not flat, they would not have been
    able to refute the factual information. But nor would they
    have the intellectual honesty or courage to admit that
    the earth might not be flat.

    So what choice would they have, except hide in intellectual
    dishonesty, sputter, or perhaps abuse the messenger?
    Bhanwara, Jun 9, 2006
  16. Sam Wormley

    dda1 Guest

    Not only cretin but an arrogant cretin, Mukesh Prasad.
    dda1, Jun 9, 2006
  17. Sam Wormley

    Eric Gisse Guest

    The FACT is that GR is not based on SR. The FACT is that SR is a
    limiting case of GR in the local limit or when the stress-energy tensor
    is zero. The FACT is you are incapable of explaining how GR is based
    upon SR without commiting atrocities against both theories.

    I always enjoy asking cranks about their educational background.
    Watching them squirm is fascinating. So I ask, what is your background
    in mathematics and physics which makes you think you know more than a
    century of physicists?
    Eric Gisse, Jun 9, 2006
  18. Sam Wormley

    dda1 Guest

    Bhanwara the perseverent cretin Mukesh Prasad wrote:
    I am not debating my education
    Both are beyound debate because they are both absolute. That is,
    absolute zero.
    dda1, Jun 9, 2006
  19. Sam Wormley

    Bhanwara Guest

    So feel free to teach me the facts instead of debating irrelevant
    issues or getting rude:

    Does GR have a premise that the spacetime manifold is
    locally Minkowskian?

    Or does it not have such a premise?
    Bhanwara, Jun 9, 2006
  20. They are NOT facts though. They are your conclusions. And yes, you are
    getting some pretty rumbunctious rebuttals. Extraordinary claims and
    all that...
    Now you're dangerously close to getting killfiled here. People who
    claim that only they have the road to knowledge are deluded.
    But its not a flat earth. Its the body of work of physics you are
    decrying when you yourself admitted you have not studied GR.
    But yet you retaliate by trying to claim the solitary road to
    knowledge, and persist in the claim your work is being surpressed -
    which is the prime defense of, and I beg your pardon to be so blunt, a
    Phineas T Puddleduck, Jun 9, 2006
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