Phineas T Puddleduck said:
A simple googling will prove to you that GR and SR affects on atomic
clocks, moving ones and ones in gravitational potential wells, have
been proven NIST/NPL etc. You insist on some formula whose age changes
with each post, whose ownership changes (Newton, Galileo) yet has no
historical basis.
You then try to attack by claiming a position of authority,
unforunately such authority is over 30 years old - and in a totally
unrelated field. You then try to undermine me by obsessing with some
energy transducer knowing full well I do not deal with such things. But
somehow this is supposedly able to offset the fact that not only do you
understand a principle of physics that is hardly considered
"alternative", you prove your ignorance by lumping it in with feng shui
and astronomy.
Note I have no issue whatsoever with admitting ignorance in some
fields. Thats why I study physics, to fill in the holes of my
Tellingly though, your own equation contains a binomial first order
approximation of the correct formula. As a result, even though you
disclaim GR you are accepting (in this case) the features of the
physics that lead to corrections to the GPS clocks - the gravitational
redshift and time dilation which IIRC is the dominant factor over the
SR time dilation due to the satellites movement.
When called on this, you dismissed it without being able to discuss
why, except to try and draw on your unrelated experience on another
Now I could either continually poke you with a stick, as it is funny -
or I could listen to the inner voice of sanity and killfile you and
Jeff Relf as cranks. Which is rather sad in your case, as if your
references are correct regarding your past work - you were once a
pretty intelligent guy.
But you've degenerated into kook territory, and the surest sign of that
is claiming authority in a subject you have no experience in. Its not
your forte, you haven't done the maths and so when even someone like me
(who has only touched upon GR compared to some people here) can rip
your argument to shreds - its quite telling.
And thats only cause as part of my preliminary work into GR I did the
math regarding the effects of GR in the solar system. As I have said to
you, the factor is around 1 to 8 decimal places. This meant that the
effects were largely masked till the advance of better technology.
Can you explain the discrepancy of around 40 arc seconds of arc per
century in Mercury's orbit otherwise? You can say (rightly) that the
discrepancy is small - as it is around 10% of the total deflection
caused by examining the gravitational pull of the other planets - but
if what you are saying (as I believe) is that you just IGNORE this
discrepancy, then you truly are a terrible scientist.
S0 if you want not to be killfiled....
1) CIte exactly where this Galilieo/Newton redshift formula comes from.
I want a proper source where I can read it for myself. Websites don't
count. Cite it as if you were writing a technical document.
2) Cite exactly how you can reconcile your claim that GR is hokum when
in this case you are accepting gravitational redshift and time
dilation. Especially when the above mentioned formula contains a GR
If you cannot do so in the next 2 posts I'm going to killfile you.
Go ahead.
Make my day!
My target audience are mature, moral, rational, intelligent people,
not immature, brain-washed parrots and cultists.
Regarding your question:
"Can you explain the discrepancy of around 40 arc seconds of arc per
century in Mercury's orbit <without GTR>?"
It is easy to generate many models (Equations) that fit some set of data,
but this does not mean that the model is useful
and viable, particularly if the model wastes
time, money and minds, on such pursuits as
time travel, worm holes, gravitons, warped spaces,
rubber space and time, dragging space around, etc.
GTR is an auguring model that does not have a place
for intelligent beings who can affect their environment.
After Newton's model,
there were immediate and rapid advances
in mechanics, astronomy, etc.
After Maxwell's model
there were immediate and rapid advances
in chemistry, electricity, etc.
After Watson's and Crick's DNA model
there were immediate and rapid advances
in medicine, genetics, animal husbandry,
the history of the Earth and Mankind, etc.
Here we are, 100 years after General Relativity
and it continues to generate more hype and heat
than light and advances.
General Relativity is a Tower of Babel
that generates more heat than light,
and wastes time, money and minds.
I guarantee you this,
you will never make a dime using your knowledge of GTR
UNLESS you get it from taxpayers or gullible people.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Bye bye.
Tom Potter