Sam Wormley
Potter--What is this "Galileo Effect" you a babbling about? I
can't seem to find it in the literature.
can't seem to find it in the literature.
Eric said:It doesn't make him an authority on everything.
Phineas said:Considering the equations that give the actual corrections predate the
GPS, I would say that this argument is pretty futile.
Sam Wormley said:Potter--What is this "Galileo Effect" you a babbling about? I
can't seem to find it in the literature.
Phineas T Puddleduck said:Post your sources the equation is from Galileo.
I suggest you're an idiot.
Bhanwara said:Looking at the calculations for GPS, it appears there are multiple
sources of the correction. It is not implausible that various
sources were found/invented, as the data was discovered,
to match the observations.
Since no published paper appears to be available that
PRE-dicted the actual correction prior to the data availability
(and there is some indication apparently the initial prediction had
the wrong sign, never mind the magnitude, and had to
be "corrected" using other principles,) to me at this
point it is entirely dismissable without further proof.
Tom Potter said:I thought you ***PLONKED me***
I suggest you are an idiot and a liar,
and an immature clown
who can't resist reading my posts.
I will be looking forward to seeing you
feature me on your web site.
Tom said:Sam Wormley brings up a good point!
The effect discovered by Galileo over 300 years ago,
that oscillators are affected by acceleration,
has been co-opted by the General Relativity Cult.
It is also interesting to see that the "Hubble Effect",
which Hubble discovered...
point it is entirely dismissable without further proof.
Tom Potter said:Sam Wormley brings up a good point!
The effect discovered by Galileo over 300 years ago,
that oscillators are affected by acceleration,
As can be seen by a reference
often quoted by the General Relativity Cult,
one of the General Relativity Cult Priest's
uses 13 hacks
Tim said:And not just in America.
How I wish that was a joke :-(
Still, Mr. Potter is providing plenty of entertainment.
"Rational, intelligent, inventive, practical folks know
that it does not take 13 hacks of General Relativity to account for the
Phineas said:How can GR corrections for GPS be invented when they predate it?
Bhanwara said:Uh, THAT was the question, do the GR corrections
really predate it, or have they been patched
together after the fact?
For instance, a major part of the GPS corrections are required because
of Doppler effects -- a satellite in geosynchronous orbit is going
FASTER than the ground beneath it.
GR then takes this effect and changes it to be because
of Gravitational Potential difference and Equivalence Principle.
However, if the effect was due to Gravitational Potential, the
Doppler effect would have to be ADDED to it. Because in ADDITION
to being at a different Gravitational Potential, the
satellite is still going faster.
So the math and logic that says "GPS depends upon GR"
is highly suspect.
Phineas said:Eddington's claim was re: gravitational deflection. It is widely
accepted that the proof of that at the time was overinflated as it
pushed the limits of the photographical plate to its limits. Later
works proved GR was correct.
Sam said:The Hubble effect is well known, but the "Galileo Effect", you
you appear to be making up.
Phineas said:Post your sources the equation is from Galileo.
Phineas said:GR doesn't change any effect - its cumulatative. SR, GR and doppler.
Fucking said:The "Doppler effect" as in GR calculations is "relativistic". It's
up as an adjustment to the GR correction. This is not the same as
a calculation of Doppler effect without any reference to relativity
(as a competitor to the GR calculations.)