Bhanwara said:
That could use a little more explanation.
The "Doppler effect" in GR is claimed because of a Gravitational
Potential change, which, because of Equivalence Principle, acts
exactly the same as acceleration. (The GR Equivalence
Principle states that gravity and acceleration are
RIGOROUSLY identical, which is why the paradox
at cannot be
honestly refuted.)
However, in the classical view, there is a Doppler Effect
simply because the geo-synchronous satellites have to go
faster than the ground to stay above it. Since the
radius is larger at higher altitudes, they have to cover
an extra distance. This gives rise to a relative
VELOCITY, and therefore a Doppler Effect.
Small additional fact -- in the classical view, there is
also a Doppler Effect resulting from acceleration,
because the satellite is indeed constantly falling.
Which does bring up an interesting point.
Consider an object sitting on the North Pole.
It's in a gravity field, and therefore should be
treated as having a constant acceleration as per
GR. Now consider the same object in orbit.
It's still in a gravity field, just like the pole.
Plus, in ADDITION to being in a gravity
field, it now has a real acceleration because
it is falling all the time. (Unlike the
object at the North Pole.)
So should the object be considered to have
a Doppler effect from Equivalence Principle,
PLUS a Doppler effect from the actual
real acceleration (the two would be equal),
plus a Doppler effect from the larger radius?
I don't have the detailed data, but based upon
everything, my claim would be that the Equivalence
Principle Doppler Effect could be thrown away, as
well as other GR/SR effects, and the result
could be arrived at simply by rather
simple classical effects.
I can see no other explanation, as a paradox
such as
does indeed refute the GR/SR complex,
and the simple vacuum-light-transmission theory
presented at, if
taken and planted in late 1800',s would
have stopped the GR/SR complex from
arising in the first place. Thus, as other
evidence indicates, the satellite/GR connection
is just a case of good post-diction using
multiple "sources of correction" and good
math-hacking, that could stand a revision
from real calculations.