Ah, O.K. Sorry, When you said in your original post that unit was in the car when you bought it, I presumed you meant is was in the glove box or something, I didn't realise it was built-in to the car. So the centre connector feeds 12Volts directly into the Nuvi or the Mini USB connector feeds 5Volts into the Nuvi, Also the 'Volts' on your display does not say 'Battery Volts' as my Nuvi does, so that will be input Volts, it's all a lot clearer now. This does bring up another point though, when the unit is in the car, does anything connect to the gold round connector on the back, this is an external antenna input and will make the unit much more sensitive when finding satellites, there is also an antenna inside the unit, but I was wondering if, when it is in the car that it may not need to use the internal one.
With this new info., there is obviously no problem with operating the unit in the car when the display shows 'Volts = 12.3'