Garmin Nuvi 760 satellites problem

I've already performed hard reset few does not improve. I will wait for the new battery then...
So, this is what I get when I open the "battery screen" and then link the cable of the car (i cannot open this screen when the navi is linked in anyway)

I must say that when i turn off the navi and is linked to the cable, the time does not reset. When i turn it off on battery only, the time goes always on 2am.
As you can see the "reset" time is almost on 24hours ago...but still the navi's time is always resetting itself.

During the trip, again, it wasn't able to gain any kind of satellite signal. I was never stationary....but's a navi...i don't think anyone would be stationary for at least 40min before using it!


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If your new battery is arriving soon, I would wait for it to arrive, the Volts = 12.3 is not good news, this is the voltage of your car battery BUT it should not be this high on the display (unless your model of Nuvi displays different things), when my Nuvi is connected to the 12Volt car supply the Volts display never goes above 4.2, all the figures are the same as in #16. This is because the Nuvi charging circuity should be limiting the voltage, you might expect the display to show 12.3Volts when the Nuvi's internal battery is disconnected
The problem is in the battery for seems to be by-passed when linked on the 12v car's charger and the fact that it loses the time everytime I power it on...would explain the "too long fix" necessary each time.
The battery will arrive this week, so, I'll just wait for it.
This one does not last more than 5 minutes without power....
I wouldn't connect your Nuvi to the car power supply for too long, because there is a chance that without a good battery in the Nuvi, that the 12.3Volts displayed on the 'Battery screen' could be damaging the Nuvi, Or it may be that your Nuvi does not measure the same things that my Nuvi does
I won't use it till the new battery is in it. but I have to say I think the indications on the screen are different from yours. if really the navi wouldn't be made like that, it should have had melt down the internal chips already, with 12.8v instead of 4v allowed.
I agree, any power supply, either Mains or Car battery, should be outputting 5V into the USB connector, my guess is that the fifth connector (the ID pin) on the Nuvi USB is feeding info to the Nuvi that allows it to know the supply is from 12Volts (even though there is only 5V present), I'm not sure where it would get 12.3Volts from though, it will be interesting to see what voltage is displayed with the new battery when the Nuvi is on the car supply, if it still says 12.3Volts, the unit is using the ID pin as detailed above, if it shows about 4Volts, my guess would be that the car supply is constant current rather than constant voltage, we will have to wait to find out
I have to specify that, usually when it's in the car I use the cable that brings power from the cigarette lighter receptacle which have 12 or 14v (i don't remember). while when is connected to the pc I use an other cable (which has another in-port),, and it's the old smartphone type.
one is the large one in the middle, the other one is the small one on the right in the picture (both on the beneath side of the device)
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Ah, O.K. Sorry, When you said in your original post that unit was in the car when you bought it, I presumed you meant is was in the glove box or something, I didn't realise it was built-in to the car. So the centre connector feeds 12Volts directly into the Nuvi or the Mini USB connector feeds 5Volts into the Nuvi, Also the 'Volts' on your display does not say 'Battery Volts' as my Nuvi does, so that will be input Volts, it's all a lot clearer now. This does bring up another point though, when the unit is in the car, does anything connect to the gold round connector on the back, this is an external antenna input and will make the unit much more sensitive when finding satellites, there is also an antenna inside the unit, but I was wondering if, when it is in the car that it may not need to use the internal one.
With this new info., there is obviously no problem with operating the unit in the car when the display shows 'Volts = 12.3'
No no sorry for the misunderstanding. it's not built-in the car, is a separate device (it was in the glove), you got it right, but it uses the 12v cable like power source from the car, while the usb cable is only for linking it to the PC for updating firmware or maps upload.
this is the kit exactly like mine
moreover, yes, it has the gold dot on the back, but I do not have an external antenna...
O.K., I still think the cradle, feeds 12Volts into the Nuvi and the Mini USB feeds 5Volts, which explains the two different 'Volts' display readings, If you was wondering why the 12V plug is so big when it takes 12Volts in and sends 12Volts out (i.e. not doing any Voltage conversion), the answer is it has a radio receiver in it, which feeds the Nuvi (via the cradle) with traffic information, so if you used the mini USB instead you won't get any traffic information. Some car windscreens won't allow the Nuvi to get a good signal (because they have metal heating elements in them), in this case you would need an external antenna
ok thank you for that info.
Since the sat is working in the same way also outside the car...I'm, for the moment, excluding any obstruction from the car.
I have to wait for the new battery. It's unuseful to try something in it's conditions right now.
when it will work in the garden...then I will try it inside the car...
I m pleased to announce that the navi with the new battery works perfectly. It has found satellite in less than 2 minutes and now I m in the city so, around me there are only buildings. it has already adjust the time, obviously it is now able to hold it in memory...and...i don t know what to say. I m very happy.
I m still disappointed about the strange behaviour the navi has had with battery problem. Especially when it was linked to an external power source. The battery seems to be fundamental with this device...
I glad to hear you have a working Sat-Nav. As you say they do need to store some info. to do a 'warm start', i.e. a start where they know where all the satellites are, their last position and time of day, without it they do a 'cold start' that can take hours. Units with removable batteries have a secondary built-in battery to hold this info. or it can be written to non-volatile ram (memory that needs no power) to ensure a 'warm start'. I have a 15 year old GPS that won't get a fix if left out doors for 12 Hours because both removable and internal batteries failed, the unit is argon sealed and can't be opened :(

Did battery replacement go smoothly?
Yes. Very very easy. 2 screws with torque head and that's it, there is only two connectors available easy to remove, one for the audio and the other one for the battery. I know how to disassemble a notebook so it's easier with respect to other people, but still, seems pretty direct!
yes I heard about this Open Street Maps...and I'm going for sure to use it...but for now...the navi is not working again.
It was working great...but at a certain moment, I powered it on and is now unable to find any kind of satellite signal.
It's very very strange. The battery seems to work though. I really don't know what to say.
Now is in the terrace trying to get signal, but nothing move in the "signal screen". The time has been reset again on 2.00 am and it's resetting itself every time I switch it off.....
I have just performed a master reset deleting all user data...
I am wondering if the battery is being charged at all, it obviously had some charge when it was delivered, but it won't last long, it really does need to be connected to a USB power source that powers AND CHARGES the unit, the secret battery page will tell you that the unit is charging and possibly the battery Voltage which should rise to about 4.2 Volts
The battery was fully charged.
I used it and then with low battery I charged it through the 12v cable in the car.

Now is charging linked on my pc through the usb cable (different from the 12v) and this is the screen


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When charging from your PC it will take quite a while to charge unless the Nuvi is in standby because the I-Limit = 500mA is not full power (full power is 1300mA), at 500mA most if not all power will be supplying the Sat-Nav rather than charging the battery. The Battery Capacity = 79% is obviously showing 21% from full charge, Battery Charging is good, but it may be doing it very slowly. You really need a mains driven charger that displayers I-Limit = 1300mA, any USB charger should be O.K., I use a Nikon charger supplied with a Digital Camera.

The other slightly worrying thing is that I would expect the Nuvi to turn off before the battery was 'flat' so that it always has enough charge left in standby to maintain the almanac, time, last position etc., I suppose with the car 'cradle' then the 12Volts would always be there, but you would have to leave the Nuvi in your car, which isn't very safe
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