Garmin Nuvi 760 satellites problem

I'm using my samsung note 2 charger with an other cable i found shouldn't be enough?


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It looks like it says 5 Volts at 2 Amps which is more than enough, however I would try the battery screen because it may still say I-Limit - 500mA (you need I-Limit 1300mA), if it does say 500mA, its is because your Nuvi is looking at the ID pin on the Nuvi USB socket, some models need a modified cable to tell the Nuvi to use higher power, my Nuvi 56 can use a normal USB cable but other models need this. The Battery Menu shows USB ID 3.30 USB Type-B, you may find that when the Nuvi is charged from the car charger that the display is different, with a different USB ID number and maybe USB Type = Power Cable, also I-Limit will be 1300mA
Ok then. The sat is only needs long fixing times...i left it open in the car when i went to supermarket (30 min) and when i came out it has full satellite signal with 11 satellites acquired, the right time again and so in.
I checked the battery screen while ot was linked to the 12v cable. On "I limit" it only says "1A". The battery capability is not indicated and so, seems like the battery is by-passed by the charger.
Seems still to work fine!
So, what about these open maps?
I'd need the maps of Italy, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. The microSD in the navi is of 4GB. Will it be enough?
The actual maps are from little bit too old.
O.K.,have a look at what Open Street Map has to offer for the areas you are visiting, link here:-, you will need Garmin Basecamp , which can be downloaded free of charge if you don't already have it from here :- and installed on your computer. Finally you will need OSM maps that have been prepared for download to Garmin devices via Basecamp, the files can be downloaded from here :- choose a predefined country e,g, Europe >> Slovenia, them click on 'Download Map Now' and select osm_generic_windows.exe (Map installer for BaseCamp / MapSource on the Windows platform), when downloaded, running this exe will add the downloaded map to Basecamp, the map can then be installed on your Garmin device from Basecamp

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