Juergen said:
Wow! You can measure a point with a horizontal accuracy of less than
Can you do that with civilian GPS?
Certainly [SNIP]
Differential GPS involves the cooperation of two receivers, one that's
stationary and another that's roving around making position
measurements. The stationary receiver is the key. It ties all the
satellite measurements into a solid local reference.
But the position of the stationary receiver has to be known - the more
precise the measurement of that point, the more precise the rest of the
measurements get. And if you got a precise reference point (or better:
two reference points), you can get the same degree of accuracy with
plain old surveying equipment.
Yes, it will take more time, and will take experienced surveyors, but
it can be done - so a shutdown of GPS wouldn't be that critical for
that line of work.
Not to mention that surveying isn't really time-critical work ;-)
But at what cost?
Your mantra seems at what cost for so many commercial activities. At what
cost of human life due to a possible terrrorist attack does it offset your
growing concerns over commercial impact. 10 dead, a 100, a 1,000, ????
Where is the trade off point in your mind?
In mine, the saving of the life of a single individual is enough for me.
Neither you nor anybody in this group knows for certain what threats we
face now or may face in the future. I have a full faith in our government
that they will endeavor to do the best they can to protect us. I am
comforted in knowing that they are looking at all scenarios on my behalf.
I have been following these threads and find them to be "straw dog"
arguments. That political motivation is behind them is unquestionable
since the thread topic is "Bush to consider shutting down GPS in extreme
emergency". Would the topic "Kerry to consider shutting down GPS in
extreme emergency" even be started or would it be toned down to read "The
DOD to consider shutting down GPS in extreme emergency"? I have no doubt
that Bush did not write the document that has everyone buzzing about. So
why do you accuse Bush? A political target that you disagree with?
Juergen Nieveler and a few others have by far presented the most compelling
arguments. My compliments to them. It seems that crass commercialism takes
precedence over human life judging by some of the comments in these
I particularly enjoyed the counterpoint by Jeff:
"The terrorists have won when the victim starts blaming themselves for
Now sit back and ask yourself, what is the likelihood of GPS being
disabled? Where is your trade off point in human life lost to terrorist
attack versus commercial interests? Could civilian GPS even be used by the
terrorists requiring it to be selectively shutdown? Don't you really feel
better knowing that your government is actually planning ahead for your
Now will somebody please give me the name of a company that depends on GPS
timing signals down to the nanosecond for their business to operate and
does not have a contingency plan? Just one company please!