Mxsmanic said:
You have to survey to produce a map.
Yes, but surveying isn't only done to produce maps - indeed most of the
surveying is done to build stuff like roads, bridges and buildings.
Not necessarily. A good surveyor can work without GPS just as easily -
or how would you explain that people where able to build bridges and
roads long before GPS was invented? Not to mention that some of the
most difficult building projects were done where no GPS is available:
Below ground. Think the channel tunnel builders used GPS to build their
Yes. Especially in a war zone. Getting lost is a serious problem in
Which is why the US Army would want civilian GPS shut down in time of
war: They want to be the only ones with the advantages of GPS. I doubt
the Pentagon would shed a tear over enemy units getting lost - and
they're the owners of GPS, so their rules apply.
It doesn't matter, since U.S. people are demanding it, too.
Question is: Will the Pentagon listen? Doubtfull, at best.
So you won't pay your GPS bill next month? The Pentagon will be
trembling in fear.
Juergen Nieveler