Mark said:Nope. No clocks needed. Sheesh!
How do you know when it's noon without a clock?
The only way I can think of is to plot the movement of the sun over an
entire day. You can then see true north plotted directly. But an
entire day is a long time to wait. And if you are moving, that won't
By being not utterly clueless, and having a vague idea about
constellations. Or by simply staring at space for about 1 minute,
by which time you'll be able to sense the circumpolar motion.
Go ahead, try it.
What if it's daytime?
By luck. People who navigate by straight lines generally fall off a cliff,
into a bog, down a mineshaft or wander into a firing range/ minefield /
alligator farm.
Not if they keep their eyes open.
And that got them from....
GPS receivers?