But they all have one thing in common: They require antennas...
As I said - very small antennas - proverbial needle-in-a-haystack. I install
these units for a living, and have yet to have 1 sabotaged, although 2 of our
vessels have been attacked by pirates, and we have hundreds of vessels with
the units.
No doubt you can hide the main component from people who don't belong
on the ship - however, Pirates could (and probably WOULD) use the old-
fashioned rubber-hose attack to find it....
No use to them - the crew don't know where the antenna is in most cases if
the client insists. In that case the client sends all the crew off before we
install the system - the crew only knows where the buttons are. I won't go
into details on how the system is protected even though the button location
may be found.
With the antenna sitting on top of the ship, in a prominet spot - for
example on the deckhouse....
Certainly not prominent, and not easily found at all.
But as was discussed before, the ships crew will know where the systems
Not discussed by me - they (usually - depends on the client) DON'T know where
the system is.
- and given a choice between torture and disabling the system,
guess what they'd choose...
Interesting scenario, but 2 problems with it:
a) "disabling" the system triggers it into operation.
b) destroying the system lets us know that something is wrong as we don't get
Pumping isn't impossible when the ship is moving...
True - my previous posting mentioned that fuel theft is a bigger problem than
piracy. In that case once we caught boats stopping where they shouldn't, they
DID start transferring fuel while on the move. Then things started to get
messy with fuel flow meters & the like. Eventually the captains got the
message that we were out to get them, and sacking of a few ringleaders
brought the problem under control.
The only real way to stop pirates is to send old merchant
vessels into the pirate-infested areas, with a platoon of Marines below
Therein lies the problem - the countries we deal with are not interested in
having the USA stomp around in their back yard - the USA has offered a couple
of times & been told to butt out.
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