Clarification about the term "GPS Shutdown"

Discussion in 'General GPS Discussion' started by Sam Wormley, Dec 16, 2004.

  1. Sam Wormley

    High Sierra Guest

    You have yet to name one.

    You have yet to explain how shutting off GPS will present some
    insurmountable obstacle to terrorists.

    Boy, you two take the cake.
    High Sierra, Dec 17, 2004
  2. Sam Wormley

    High Sierra Guest

    Where do you buy your compasses. Mine have always been reliable. You're correct
    compasses can't tell you where you are. You should know where you are.
    High Sierra, Dec 17, 2004
  3. Sam Wormley

    Peter Guest

    My Silva compass failed the very first time I used it. After trying to
    make sense of the landmarks I could see and the compass readings, I
    finally gave up on it and decided to exchange it later. Then I
    walked around the corner and saw the entrance to the old abandoned
    iron mine.
    Peter, Dec 17, 2004
  4. Sam Wormley

    Stan Gosnell Guest

    Which brings up the question of exactly how shutting off GPS will deter
    terrorists. Precision is completely unnecessary. A missile with
    inertial guidance is more than accurate enough for that. We aren't
    talking about needing to put a warhead through a particular window. All
    you need is to be able to target a city. Close counts in horseshoes,
    nukes, and terrorist attacks. Chemical and biological weapons have even
    less need for precision.

    If shutting off GPS would stop an attack, then I have no objections. But
    I fail to see how it would have any effect at all, other than to increase
    the disruptions, making the attack even more effective.
    Stan Gosnell, Dec 17, 2004
  5. Sam Wormley

    Mxsmanic Guest

    There are many local anomalies in the geomagnetic field that will
    introduce errors into compasses in almost any location. Just having
    nearby ferromagnetic masses is enough.
    What you should know won't help when you're lost.
    Mxsmanic, Dec 17, 2004
  6. Sam Wormley

    Mxsmanic Guest

    Air travel, surveying, road transport, other types of navigation,
    timekeeping, and so on.
    Their cumulative utility to society in general.

    Individual human lives do not have infinite value. Their value must be
    balanced against many other variables. That's how things work in the
    real world.

    In science fiction, Captain Kirk might well put himself and his entire
    crew at serious risk of death just to save one crewmember. In real
    life, you let the crewmember die. Sometimes these policies are even in
    writing. That's why not everyone can sit near an emergency exit on a
    plane, and why passengers in wheelchairs are evacuated last.
    Tell me about the terrorist uses of GPS.
    Mxsmanic, Dec 17, 2004
  7. Sam Wormley

    Alan Browne Guest

    You can communicate with narrow beam antennas over a good portion of the
    hemisphere wrt to the gound station. Dish antennas are the simplist. Bigger
    dish = bigger gain = communicating lower on the horizon. Thus from Colorado
    Springs most sats in the hemisphere can be updated quite quickly as seen or as
    they come over the horizon.

    The only reason they need to pass over any particular patch of the earth is for
    position and velocity measurement using optical systems. Such stations are at
    Hawaii, Ascension Island, Diego Garcia, Kwajalein, and Colorado Springs. The
    SV's don't have to pass directly overhead the stations. I don't know if any of
    these stations have independant means to upload messages, but it is certain that
    Colorado Springs is not the only facility.

    The 'monitoring' cycle to determine if the satellites are outputting a valid PR
    is about 4 hours. That is used in part to set the health word for the SV. But
    getting messages up to the sats takes far less time. (Another reason for
    SBAS/WAAS is to get integrity data to aircraft faster than the GPS ground
    segment can do it).
    Alan Browne, Dec 17, 2004
  8. Sam Wormley

    Mxsmanic Guest

    In that case, shutting off GPS would be useless in the fight against
    terrorism, even though it would cripple many parts of the civilian
    infrastructure. Which in turn means that GPS should never be shut off,
    since doing so is always a net loss.
    How would they do that, exactly?
    Give a few examples.
    You first. See my questions above.

    I'm not the one suggesting a disabling of GPS.
    Not to me. You haven't answered my questions. No amount of emotional
    rhetoric ever persuades or distracts me; you _must_ answer the questions
    to persuade me.
    One of the things it can provoke is a crippling halt to GPS, which
    seriously damages the sociey's infrastructure without any action at all
    on the part of any terrorists.

    Like the man said, we have nothing to fear but fear itself. And
    terrorists know that very well, but most other people don't.
    Guidance for _what_?
    What leads you to this conclusion?
    Mxsmanic, Dec 17, 2004
  9. Sam Wormley

    Sam Wormley Guest

    Sam Wormley, Dec 18, 2004
  10. Well Mxsmanic, I have to say you have a good point. Missles and planes flew
    well long before GPS. I think the argument in favor of a policy on shutting
    down GPS in case of terrorist activity might be that GPS represents a very
    low cost, very accurate means of navigation. Given that a handheld can
    output a lot of meaningful data to an autopilot, it would seem that it
    represents an almost perfect low cost solution to the problem of the
    accurate delivery of weapons. Do I remember hearing something about one of
    the 9-11 terrorists having a GPS on board the flight from Boston that turned
    over my head in Albany NY and headed for the trade center. Maybe that's why
    there is that concern.

    But you pose a very legitimate question - why would they use GPS in the
    first place? On one hand, they have good financing from their fellow
    travellers around the world. There are still some weapons producers who
    would like to see us damaged (or prefer money to friends). So there really
    isn't much to stop then from acquiring the guidance technology they need -
    providing it doesn't use our GPS system. In one of my earlier posts I
    pointed out that if one wanted to detonate a dirty nuke and ruin NYC for
    many years, a martyr and a pickup truck would make a great "delivery
    system." Of course, that would produce a very sub-optimal ground burst with
    a poor spread, but what the hell - it would terrorize NY would it not? So
    there is little need to worry about GPS (or the lack thereof) as a
    terrorist. Shutting it off for short periods would probably not cause any
    catastrophic problems to the US, but would be a massive pain in the butt.
    But it probably would just cause the terrorists to fall back to "plan B" -
    the pickup truck. They are already here. They already have the explosives.
    They probably have some foreign produced dirty waste to spray around. Who
    needs GPS.

    So why make such a policy? Well- if I were President I'd hate it if another
    attack was launched against us and I hadn't crafted policies that allowed
    meaningful response. Suppose, for example, Chicago was hit by a GPS guided
    aircraft bomb, and some of the constant, ill-informed media critics demanded
    to know what the administration had done to protect against this and the
    answer was "nothing reasonable could be done to protect us from GPS guided
    weapons because the civilian uses are too important." I don't think that's
    politically accceptable, and that's about as legitimate a reason as any.

    But your point is an excellent one - missles flew long before there was
    Pieter Litchfield, Dec 18, 2004
  11. Sam Wormley

    Mxsmanic Guest

    I don't think anyone with the means to develop or deploy unmanned
    aircraft or cruise missiles is going to be discouraged by the cost of
    other navigation systems.
    I've never heard anything like this. Why not just look out the window
    It was the first attack that kept him in office; I'm not sure that he's
    worried about future attacks (although he can't be reelected now).

    I think the President just doesn't know what he's doing, like so many
    elected officials when it comes to technology.
    How would you identify the bomb as GPS-guided?
    Mxsmanic, Dec 18, 2004
  12. Sam Wormley

    High Sierra Guest

    If you have a compass and know how to use it......
    High Sierra, Dec 18, 2004
  13. Sam Wormley

    JetCaptain Guest

    Sam, you really nailed me on that one. Never saw it coming. Was that a GPS
    enabled stealth post?

    Thanks for being so patient and informative. Though a lot of fun, I think
    the thread has run its course, so time for me to leave it.

    My warmest regards to you Sam. I wish you all the best.
    JetCaptain, Dec 18, 2004
  14. Sam Wormley

    Iolaos Guest

    You certainly have an interesting 'nick' for a guy who cannot
    see the disastrous consequences if the global GPS system were to
    shut down for a few hours ten years from now.

    And don't think it'll be shut down only in the event of an
    attack - it would have to be shut down every time the threat
    level goes to 'puce' or 'chartreuse'.

    Terrorists generally don't phone ahead with warnings about
    targeting or timing.

    In short, the Bush administration comments have only confirmed
    what the EU already knew when it decided to spend billions on a
    duplicative and otherwise unneeded satellite constellation:

    The USA simply isn't a reliable partner anymore.
    Iolaos, Dec 18, 2004
  15. Sam Wormley

    Iolaos Guest

    How about airliners in flight which depend on GPS?

    Granted, they all have backups now, but the USA, at least, is
    already talking about shutting down the VOR/ILS system a few
    years down the road.
    Iolaos, Dec 18, 2004
  16. Sam Wormley

    Sam Wormley Guest

    I agree the threat has passed.
    Also regards,
    Sam Wormley, Dec 18, 2004
  17. On 18 Dec 2004, (Iolaos) wrote:

    A classified part of the program may well deal with the use of non civilian
    (ie: military) type GPS for commercial air traffic. Nobody in this group
    can say with proof positive that it is or is not being considered.

    That is assuming no one here has access to highly classified national
    security documents and is stupid enough to post what they have read to this
    Italy Anonymous Remailer, Dec 18, 2004
  18. A partnership implies shared burdens of cost and risk.

    How much did and does the EU contribute to the cost of the development,
    operational support, and maintenance of the US GPS such that they would be
    our partners as you suggest? Did the EU bear 50% of those costs to make
    them an equal partner? Do they continue to bear 50% of the operational and
    maintenance costs?

    If the answer is zero, then the EU was never a partner and was only reaping
    a free benefit granted to them by benevolence of the US government.

    If the number is somewhere in between, your dividends are based upon your
    investment. In other words, you get what you pay for.
    Italy Anonymous Remailer, Dec 18, 2004
  19. Sam Wormley

    Mxsmanic Guest

    It still won't tell you where you are. At best, it will give you a
    rough indication of north, accurate to within a few degrees.
    Mxsmanic, Dec 18, 2004
  20. Sam Wormley

    Mxsmanic Guest

    Eventually the "military" GPS will be declassified, anyway.
    Mxsmanic, Dec 18, 2004
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