WHich means diddly squat when it comes to GR.
COPYING my previous post
OK To show I can be an adult, I'll now put on my serious head when
dealing with you. Reciprocate and we can talk physics, ok? As the
disclaimer at the end says, I've been out in the sun all day walking
round some interesting geology - so I'm suffering a little sunstroke
It's certainly an interesting coincidence, mainly because the breakdown
of the term
(F = mg = GMm/r^2 \therefore g = GM/r^2)
= (G*M*r)/2(r^2*c^2)
= GM/2rc^2
Is VERY similar to the Schwarzschild radius.
note R(Schwarzschild) = 2GM/c^2
Hence 1/2 = GM/(R_s*c^2)
Which is a relativistic factor, I hardly see how you can call it
"classical" per se. The closer this function is to one half, as I
recall, the closer the system is to gr rather then classical. For the
earth system, even the sun-mercury system - this term is as close to
one as you can get. (When I did the sun-mercury calculations - its 1 to
about 8 decimal places - hence why GR in the solar system is pretty
masked and needs sensitive equipment to spot) Its an interesting
coincidence, but thats all. Its indicative that the correction factors
are SMALL in this case, but I think its just a handy coincidence that
your "classical" formula contains a GR term in it, just hidden
Personally I think you've noticed this gives a roughly equivalent
answer, but missed its a factor of two out. Now admittedly physicists
are the worst people for saying "factor of 2 - so what!" but its there.
Plus I have to guess that F above is a force. Are you saying (as I am
guessing) this is the grav force the photon feels?
What is interesting is that you are badmouthing GR, calling it bad
science akin with feng shui etc yet here you are admitting that
gravitational time dilation takes place. If you accept gravitational
red shift, you have to accept a clock in a gravitational potential well
runs slow.
From that admission, you're all but admitting GR. All I can get from
this is that you admit gravitational potential well clocks run slow,
but not GR.
A general relativistic Z formula is :
z = 1\sqrt(1- (2GM/rc^2)) -1
(Non spinning, symmetric yada yada)
Which looks like this formula you have discovered is merely a first
order binomial approximation of this gr Z formula.
(1+x)^n = 1 + nx + ...
z = (1+x)^(-1/2) - 1
(x = - 2GM/rc^2)
Binomially simplify (first order only) = 1 - 1/2 x -1
\therefore z = -1/2 x = GM/rc^2
Yielding your factor to a factor of 2 out.
I'm also confused you are calling this a 200 year old formula of
Galileo. Since we're talking the 1600's for GG are you confused, or
saying this was something he discovered that was 200 years old when he
did? The first proper mention of the idea of redshift with light that I
am aware of was the 1780's with John Mitchell. I'd like to see some
sources that GG came up with it.
More precisely as I recall, GM/Rc^2 approaches 1/2 as you get further
from the classical model to the relativistic model.
What you don't seem to understand is the level of difference is small,
but tangible. The difference in magnitude between the classical
prediction of deflection and the GR case is only 2.
Another thing to note is.... Its not just a gravitational red shift
issue there is a SR correction due to the fact the satellite clock is
1. The thread is about
"Einstein's Relativity and Everyday Life -- Clifford M. Will"
an article where a guy on the taxpayer dole,
tries to con folks into believing that General Relativity
was and is essential to the GPS system.
2. This is complete self-serving bullshit.
3. Neither Galileo's model, nor Newton's model,
nor Einstein's model is ESSENTIAL to determining the
offsets in the GPS oscillators, and the times of the clocks.3.
All one has to do, and what NASA did,
is to put an oscillator into the desired orbit,
and if it is not in sync with the master oscillator on the ground,
send the satellite data to adjust the frequency dividers.
And as the oscillators are used to slave clocks
(Tick accumulators) on the satellites,
all one has to do, and what NASA does,
is to periodically send the satellites data indicating the time of
the master clock on the ground.
3. Regarding Phineas T Puddleduck comment
about Relativity corrections
"due to the fact the satellite clock<s are> moving".
ALL of the satellites are moving with respect to ALL
GPS receivers. Are you asserting that all of these
corrections are done at Earth stations, on the satellites,
on do all of the GPS receivers perform,
Relativity computations?
The fact of the matter is, that this is treated
in the receiver as the old Doppler Effect,
and it is insanity to add General Relativity
and Special Relativity babble and overhead.
4. And here is a question that I,
and the designers of the GPS system,
and the designers of GPS receivers know the answer to,
but the General Relativity Charlatans seem to be completely
ignorant of:
Considering that all of the transmitted frequencies are
frequency shifted by the Doppler Effect, and as the Doppler Effect
between all satellites and all receivers vary,
"Why is it DESIRABLE, but NOT essential,
to use a frequency offset anyway?"
In other words, the differences in frequencies are going all over the
place for all of the receivers, so why make the frequency offset
in the first place?
5. General Relativity plays a nominal role, if any,
in the GPS system contrary to what the GTR Charlatans say.
The most important technology used in the GPS system
came from a patent by a German/American movie actress,
Hedy Lamar, and the application of this technology was not possible
until fifty years after Hedy Lamar patented her technology.
Large scale integrate circuits made the texchnology possible,
and large scale integrated technology was a natural evolution
from the Edison Effect, the triode, and the Cat's Whisker diode.
I might mention, that I was in Vienna last summer,
and tried to find Hedy Lamar's home, but no one
there seems to have heard of her. I tried to interest
several travel companies in finding her home,
and hyping it as a tourist attraction, as her patent
is so important in modern communications.
While in Vienna, I took a picture at Boltzmann's grave.
I would post the picture on my web site, but I needed a haircut,
and had a "bad hair day",
and looked a lot like Boltzmann myself. ;-))
Tom Potter