Bush to consider shutting down GPS in extreme emergency

Discussion in 'General GPS Discussion' started by Fred, Dec 16, 2004.

  1. Isn't the problem of the owners of GPS. The users of GPS don't pay for
    it, and they get what they pay for.

    Juergen Nieveler
    Juergen Nieveler, Dec 18, 2004
  2. Not me, for example. Nor anybody not living or paying taxes in the USA.

    You might have a case if the company that might get crippled is in the
    USA, but I doubt the Pentagon will think twice about some european
    company, or some farmers in Africa.

    Juergen Nieveler
    Juergen Nieveler, Dec 18, 2004
  3. Our company has a contract that says in case of downtime our
    connectivity will be restored within 8 hours.
    Don't know the specifics of the contract for electricity, but it's well
    below 4 hours IIRC. Plus, in case of work on our power substation, we
    get sufficient advance notice to rent a large diesel generator to keep
    the IT department up and running.
    Hospitals tend to have enough electricity generating capacity to go for
    several days without external power, and they also have enough water
    stored for some time. Even after huge natural disasters, hospitals are
    supposed to keep working.
    In times of crisis, people get told to keep a small stockpile of food
    at home.
    Just like Internet access, companies tend to have tight contracts about
    how to handle outages
    Stockpiles again
    For the industrial users, there are either contracts handling it, or
    they even have their own water wells. BTST.
    Just HOW can you run out of air? ;-)
    Indeed. And in case something fails that you won't get a guaranteed
    repair time for, you'll have to have an alternative for it.

    Juergen Nieveler
    Juergen Nieveler, Dec 18, 2004
  4. People tried not too long ago, remember? GWB is still in the White
    House ;-)

    Juergen Nieveler
    Juergen Nieveler, Dec 18, 2004
  5. Now compare what a mapping GPS with Bluechart costs compared to a
    complete set of nautical charts for the same area. Ouch!

    Steven Shelikoff, Dec 18, 2004
  6. Fred

    Mxsmanic Guest

    The Pentagon is not a sovereign state; it works for the civilian
    population. And it does whatever it is told to do.
    You talk about the Pentagon as if it were some sort of foreign invader.
    The Pentagon is nothing more than a group of civil servants, sworn to do
    as they are told.
    Actually, Congress can stop it also, by not signing the checks.

    The United States owns GPS, not the Secretary of Defense.
    Mxsmanic, Dec 18, 2004
  7. Fred

    Mxsmanic Guest

    Such as?
    Mxsmanic, Dec 18, 2004
  8. Fred

    Mxsmanic Guest

    It's a problem for the Pentagon just as it is for everyone else.
    The Pentagon pays bills, follows the laws of physics, and uses the
    toilet just like everyone else. You may be confusing it with Mount
    Olympus or the Land of Oz.
    Mxsmanic, Dec 18, 2004
  9. Fred

    Mxsmanic Guest

    Some did, but they were not a clear majority.
    Mxsmanic, Dec 18, 2004
  10. Fred

    Mxsmanic Guest

    There are always more than enough of them visible to get a fix,
    everywhere on the planet.
    Mxsmanic, Dec 18, 2004
  11. Fred

    Mxsmanic Guest

    Not nearly as easily, but he can get the job done, in time, and perhaps
    with a few errors.
    Yes, that's exactly how they did it.
    So they don't care what happens to civilians? With friends like that,
    who needs enemies?
    What about civilians--their masters?
    No, the state owns GPS. The Pentagon operates it, in part.
    The Pentagon does what it is told. If Congress told it to turn over the
    GPS to Wal-Mart tomorrow, it would do so.
    You seem to attribute godlike characteristics to the Pentagon. It's
    just a building filled with government employees.
    Mxsmanic, Dec 18, 2004
  12. Fred

    Mxsmanic Guest

    Can you prove that no lives would be lost by shutting it down? The
    burden of proof is upon the party wanted to shut down critical national
    Mxsmanic, Dec 18, 2004
  13. Fred

    Mxsmanic Guest

    You don't need one. You take a series of GPS fixes over a long period.
    The average is your true position.
    The time and cost.
    Mxsmanic, Dec 18, 2004
  14. Fred

    Mxsmanic Guest

    You make the observations using GPS.
    Mxsmanic, Dec 18, 2004
  15. Fred

    Mxsmanic Guest

    It's not their job to worry about Europeans or Africans.
    Mxsmanic, Dec 18, 2004
  16. Fred

    Mxsmanic Guest

    No, they didn't. Very often they got lost and died at sea if they
    ventured too far from land.
    Only because accurate navigation is possible today. In the
    not-so-distant past, getting lost was the number one problem.
    Mxsmanic, Dec 18, 2004
  17. Don't forget the batteries ;-)

    Juergen Nieveler
    Juergen Nieveler, Dec 18, 2004
  18. So? If Washington hadn't been lucky, you'd still be a british colony.

    Juergen Nieveler
    Juergen Nieveler, Dec 18, 2004
  19. Fred

    Mxsmanic Guest

    But that luck is history. It's the future that counts.
    Mxsmanic, Dec 18, 2004
  20. Fred

    Sam Wormley Guest

    One satellite will provide (nonprecise) timing data

    Two satellites with altitude and timing augmentation will
    provide a 2-D position and velocity

    See: http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/pubs/gps/gpsuser/gpsuser.pdf
    Sam Wormley, Dec 18, 2004
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