Einstein's Relativity and Everyday Life -- Clifford M. Will

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sam Wormley
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| in message | >
| > | >> On 2006-06-07 16:09:05 +0100, "Tom Potter" <tdp1001@gmail.com> said:
| >> >>
| >> >
| >> > I will be looking forward to seeing "Phineas T Puddleduck"
| >> > comment of some of the "clues" that he asserts that I am resistant
| >> >
| >> > So far, all I have seen from Puddleduck is parroting,
| >> > and attacks on the messenger.
| >> >
| >> > Ever notice than when some immature, clueless clown comes into
| >> > sci.physics
| >> > and gets exposed, he climbs into bed with Sam Wormley and Dork
| >> >
| >> > Parrots of the feather, horse's asses, and all that.
| >>
| >> You love parrots don't you.
| >
| > Yes, but I think he prefers horses:
| > http://users.telenet.be/vdmoortel/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/HorseAss2.html
| > http://users.telenet.be/vdmoortel/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/HorseAss.html
| It is interesting to see that Dork Moortel
| suggests that it is better to get one's information
| from a horse's ass,
| rather than from the horse's mouth.
| That explains a lot about the quality of his posts.
| Hopefully everyone will read the two "fumbles"
| listed by Dork, and decide for themselves
| what kind of information is best for them.

Dork Van de merde, quality of posts:
and the coup de grace, this extract from "On the Electrodynamics of Moving
by Dork's hero:

Tim said:
Huh? Has relativity suddenly become controversial?

Given the anti-scientific mood now prevalent in the USA
that would not at all be surprising.

It's Jewish science you know,
and no doubt also a piece of liberal scheming
to hide the truth.

Teach the controversy in every American school!

J. J. Lodder said:
Given the anti-scientific mood now prevalent in the USA
that would not at all be surprising.

It's Jewish science you know,
and no doubt also a piece of liberal scheming
to hide the truth.

Teach the controversy in every American school!

Jan raises a good point.
Jews are central to a lot of conflict and babble.

Consider the Bible, Communism, Freudism, General Relativity,
the Class Wars of the 1900's, the Religious Wars of the 2000's, etc.

I wonder if this is a function of Nature (Genetics)
or Nurture (Religion)?

Jan also raises a good point when she suggests that where there
is more heat than light, that the matter
should be examined so liberals and conservatives,
Christians, Jews or Muslims, etc.
cannot "hide the truth".

This would make a good subject for scientists to study.
To see where babble and conflict come from,
and what its' affects on society are.

It would be interesting to start by making
a top 100 "More heat than light" subject list.

I suggest:
1. The Bible.
2. General Relativity
3. Communism vs. free markets.
4. Liberal vs conservative
5. Action vs energy (As the unit of change)
6. ..

Please add your favorite "More heat than light" subject.

Tom Potter
Eric said:
Have you considered the possibility that nobody is citing it beacuse it
is crap?

I am curious, are you (others invited to respond) familiar
with the history of physics?

Here are a couple of simple gedankens.

1) In late 1800's, physicists had a lot of data to indicate light
was a wave. There was one problem, nobody was sure how
it could wave in empty space in the absence of a medium. The
largest part of the physics development of the time happened
mostly around the "medium" issue.

Can you predict how physics would have developed if somebody
had been able to propose, at that time, my simple explanation of
how an electromagnetic wave can traverse across empty space
(no medium) without any problems, and still be a wave?

2) In early 1900's, physicists were strongly focussed on a single
experiment, known then as the electron double-slit experiment.

Can you predict how physics would have developed if somebody
had been able to propose, at that time, my explanation of
the field from the electron gun leaking from two holes and
then the two sub-fields interfering with each other?
Tom Potter said:
As I pointed out:
"Parrots of the feather.."

"Phineas T Puddleduck" will fit in just fine with
Dork Moortel, Sam Wormley and Erik Max Francis.

As long as I am never lumped in with you.

BTW Name the 13 hacks...
Tom Potter said:
Read my post about how the GPS system works Dumbo,
and you'll see that I point out that the clocks are
updated on a continuous basis.

Apparently, Dumbo is trying to make a case that
these corrections are required because of General Relativity effects
rather than because of chemical, electronic and Quantum Mechanical effects.


The world knows, NASA knows and the designers know the corrections are
required for GPS. YOU don't. But yet you haven't got the courage of
your convictions to go to eftaylor.com and do the maths that prove it
to you.
Tom Potter said:
It is interesting to observe that
after I pointed out that Dork Moortel was a "horse's ass",

he set up a personal attack web site and
claimed that my suggesting that it was better to get ones information
from the horses mouth, rather than from a horses ass (Like Dork),
was a "fumble", and that I had an ass fetish.

Now that I have pointed out that "Phineas T Puddleduck" is a parrot,
I dare say that when he sets up his personal attack web site,
that he will feature me, and try to neutralize his parrot image,
by asserting that I have a "parrot fetish".

Defense mechanisms are so predictable.

Don't hold your breath, you are not worth the effort.
Tom Potter said:
"Phineas T Puddleduck" makes a good point.
I "haven't even tried to do the math around GR"

And I "haven't even tried to do the math around" astrology.

And I "haven't even tried to do the math around" feng shui.

But I have tried and DONE the math that involves real world things
like complex data gathering and control systems and the like.

Ah. So you are scared that a bit of simple calculus will blow your
medieval mind set out of the water then....

Neither astrology or feng shui have a mathematical framework in use by
a satellite based location system, k00k!
Phineas T Puddleduck said:

The world knows, NASA knows and the designers know the corrections are
required for GPS. YOU don't. But yet you haven't got the courage of
your convictions to go to eftaylor.com and do the maths that prove it
to you.

Here is what eftaylor.com says:
"The satellite clock will "run fast" by something like 50 000 nanoseconds
per day compared with the clock on Earth's surface due to position effects
alone. Clearly general relativity is needed for correct operation of the
Positioning Satellite System! "

Here is how Galileo's 200 year old equation does the job.
The "classical" "gravitational red shift" equation is:
f = f0 * ( 1 + 1/2 * g * distance / C^2)

where "g" is about 9.8 meters per seconds^2
"distance" is about 10,000 kilometers or 10,000,000 meters,
and "C" is about 300,000,000 meters per second,
in the case of the GPS system in Earth orbit.

Computing we get: 1.00000000054444444,
and subtracting one (1.0..) to get the difference,
we get the 5.4*10^-10 which is basically the number used
by eftaylor.com and others.

As can be seen, it is a barefaced lie to state as eftaylor.com does:
"Clearly general relativity is needed for correct operation of the Global
Positioning Satellite System!"

Bullshit alarm pegs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is a shame that people on the taxpayer dole
try to bullshit the public into thinking that they
possess powerful, esoteric knowledge that is
essential to everything.

This is the same tactic used by charlatans through history.

Tom Potter
Phineas T Puddleduck said:
Don't hold your breath, you are not worth the effort.

Considering your reactions so far,
I'll be surprised if you don't set up a web page
to get back at the folks
who expose your ignorance in the newsgroups.

Certain kinds of nerds can't deal with
having their ignorance exposed.

Tom Potter
Phineas T Puddleduck said:
Ah. So you are scared that a bit of simple calculus will blow your
medieval mind set out of the water then....

It is interesting to see that "Phineas T Puddleduck"
is ignorant of the fact that it takes a deep understanding
of calculus and nature (And people)
to design complex data gathering and control systems.

I was designing analog computer systems using 100 plus operational
and using Time Data time series computers to solve all
kinds of problems when "Phineas T Puddleduck"
was sucking his thumb. Not to mention that I wrote
one of the first fast Fourier transform program for micros,
and was one of the first advertisers in Byte Magazine.

I designed a system using calculus in the 1960's
that measured the energy required to press fit parts.

I assert that "Phineas T Puddleduck" doesn't know
enough about calculus and physics to figure out how to do this,
and I challenge him to try.

It is interesting to see that "Phineas T Puddleduck"
continues to redirect my posts to an off topic newsgroup.

I wonder why he does this?

Tom Potter
Tom said:
Read my post about how the GPS system works Dumbo,
and you'll see that I point out that the clocks are
updated on a continuous basis.

Not because of relativity as you claim, Potter. The steering
and modeling of atomic clocks in orbit is similar to the steering
and modeling of atomic clocks on the ground. The offsets predicted
by SR/GTR were designed into the satellites before they were ever
Tom said:
Sam puts emphasis on the "empirical data supporting modern physics"
and I put emphasis on the "empirical data" that has the highest
correlations between causes and effects, and effects that have the
most affect my environment.

For example, I don't put a lot of emphasis on modelsthat dabble in
astrology, time travel, worm holes, space warps, and the like,
as dabbling in these things are a waste of time, money and minds.

You are just babbling, Potter. A $30B+ industry, applying relativity
to create a global infrastructure benefiting people all over the
world has you sputtering, Potter (Willy Lowman).
Tom said:
Why don't you read your own references?

The point, Potter, is that you have no idea what your talking
about and can't articulate these "13 hacks" that you claim!
The point, Potter, is that you have no idea what your talking
about and can't articulate these "13 hacks" that you claim!

Write your reply...

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