GPS World: USNO's Fountain: Time at 100 Trillionths of a Second

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sam Wormley
  • Start date Start date
Koobee said:
Listen again. Since a GPS receiver can obtain the almanac data from
at least four satellites, the receiver can generate a set of four
equations with four unknowns. The unknowns can be solved to identify
the space and time information. It now makes no difference if the
satellites are synchronized with the ground stations as long as the
satellites are all synchronized which is much an easier task to
achieve. <shrug>

Guys, why are you wasting so much to answer to this not-funny,not-
educated, stupid troll???

[Remaining very toxic diarrhea cleansed]

Hmmm... Let’s do a recap of the claim of GR and SR applied in GPS.

All Einstein Dingleberries came out trumpeting GR and SR’s success on
GPS. Little did they know how GPS really works. After moortel, a
zealous Einstein Dingleberry itself, suddenly showed a link of how GPS
signals are decoded by GPS receivers, it triggered a renaissance in
scholarly works on the inner workings of GPS. The result enabled true
scholars to show in very **JUNIOR-HIGH MATHEMATICS** that SR and GR
need not to be applied for GPS to work.

There are ones who have trouble with the junior-high mathematics and
other Einstein Dingleberries who immediately saw a fallacy in their
religion of SR and GR. The former group includes Sam and Professor
Roberts, and the latter group includes the so-called professor
Andersen who attempted to extend his belief in SR and GR with
mysticism that there is something else very mysterious that SR and GR
must be applied in order to work. Finally, Professor Roberts caught
on to the junior-high mathematics and also jumped on the band wagon of
supporting the so-called professor Andersen’s mysticism. Yes,
Professor Roberts amplified the mysticism by sealing the nonsense in
military works. He himself did not work in the defense industry and
tried to bluff his way into it by creating that Wizard of Oz.

So, show me implicitly where GR and SR are applied in GPS. I have had
enough of these lousy application notes written by zealous Einstein
Dingleberries who did not understand how GPS really works. I also am
not bluffed by these claims of something mysterious in the sub-system
of GPS that requires SR and GR to function.

In the meantime, the Einstein Dingleberries are still championing the
following Orwellian school of thought:



Koobee Wublee the aetherialist mystic cannot handle the junior
high-school mathematics of Sagnac and the ring laser gyroscope.

In the meantime, the Maxwell/Lorentz/Fitzgerald Dingleberries are
still championing the following Orwellian school of thought:

Hmmm... Let’s do a recap of the claim of GR and SR applied in GPS.
All Einstein Dingleberries came out trumpeting GR and SR’s success on
GPS. Little did they know how GPS really works. After moortel, a
zealous Einstein Dingleberry itself, suddenly showed a link of how GPS
signals are decoded by GPS receivers, it triggered a renaissance in
scholarly works on the inner workings of GPS. The result enabled true
scholars to show in very **JUNIOR-HIGH MATHEMATICS** that SR and GR
need not to be applied for GPS to work.
There are ones who have trouble with the junior-high mathematics and
other Einstein Dingleberries who immediately saw a fallacy in their
religion of SR and GR. The former group includes Sam and Professor
Roberts, and the latter group includes the so-called professor
Andersen who attempted to extend his belief in SR and GR with
mysticism that there is something else very mysterious that SR and GR
must be applied in order to work. Finally, Professor Roberts caught
on to the junior-high mathematics and also jumped on the band wagon of
supporting the so-called professor Andersen’s mysticism. Yes,
Professor Roberts amplified the mysticism by sealing the nonsense in
military works. He himself did not work in the defense industry and
tried to bluff his way into it by creating that Wizard of Oz.
So, show me implicitly where GR and SR are applied in GPS. I have had
enough of these lousy application notes written by zealous Einstein
Dingleberries who did not understand how GPS really works. I also am
not bluffed by these claims of something mysterious in the sub-system
of GPS that requires SR and GR to function.
In the meantime, the Einstein Dingleberries are still championing the
following Orwellian school of thought:

Koobee Wublee the aetherialist mystic cannot handle the junior
high-school mathematics of Sagnac and the ring laser gyroscope.

[Cop-cat remarks mercifully snipped]

Hmmm... Sagnac has shown to be of null effect. When is Androcles
going to understand the concept of zero?

In the meantime, the pagan belief of Androcles in which light
corpuscles are ballistic in nature is proven false by
electromagnetism. As any scholars would attest to it that the
computer which Androcles attempts to write software to program is
bounded by electromagnetism. <shrug>
What Potter fails to recognize that thae the Satellite clocks
must be synchronized with the ground based clocks. Relativistics
correction are necessary.

Sam is still in-cognitive of the junior-high algebra. said:

All he can do is to toss around these lousy application notes written
by Einstein Dingleberries that he himself cannot have possibly
understood. said:
GPS need the relativistic correction to function with any accuracy.
I suggest Potter take some time to do a bit of self education.

Sam embraces the pagan belief in mysticism. said:

Sam like myself also had/has a great canine friend except that mine is
a black lab still alive and behaving very much like a puppy after 11
years of companionship through thousands of miles in the Appalachians
and the Rockies. Hell, Kublai might be the reincarnation of Willow
since Kublai was born in late 1997. Other than that, Sam pathetically
still believes in pagan rituals. <shrug>
Hmmm... Sagnac has shown to be of null effect. When is Androcles
going to understand the concept of zero?

Androcles is a well known expert on DIVISION BY ZERO.
Hmmm... Sagnac has shown to be of null effect.

A typical case of * LYING IS TEACHING *

Lying Koobee Wublee the aetherialist mystic Maxwell Dingleberry
cannot handle the junior high-school mathematics of Sagnac and
the ring laser gyroscope, he knows NOTHING about it.

A Wublee NULL result:
The first experimental ring laser gyroscope was demonstrated in the US by
Macek and Davis in 1963. The technology has since been developed by a number
of companies and establishments world-wide. Many tens of thousands of RLGs
are operating in inertial navigation systems and have established high
accuracy, with better than 0.01°/hour bias uncertainty, and mean time
between failures in excess of 60,000 hours.

In the meantime, the Maxwell/Lorentz/Fitzgerald Dingleberries are
still championing the following Orwellian school of thought:

Koobee said:
Hmmm... Let’s do a recap of the claim of GR and SR applied in GPS.

All Einstein Dingleberries came out trumpeting GR and SR’s success on
GPS. Little did they know how GPS really works. After moortel, a
zealous Einstein Dingleberry itself, suddenly showed a link of how GPS
signals are decoded by GPS receivers, it triggered a renaissance in
scholarly works on the inner workings of GPS. The result enabled true
scholars to show in very **JUNIOR-HIGH MATHEMATICS** that SR and GR
need not to be applied for GPS to work.

Koobee ought to do a little background reading. However, if junior-high
(now commonly referred to an Middle School) mathematics is all he can
handle... he might get discouraged.


"Relativity in the Global Positioning System" by Neil Ashby
"Relativistic Effects on Satellite Clocks" by Neil Ashby
"General Relativity in the Global Positioning System" by Neil Ashby
"Can GPS Test Gravity's Speed of Propagation?" by Neil Ashby
"General Relativity in the Global Positioning System" by Neil Ashby

"Relativity of GPS Measurement" by Thomas B Bahder
"Real-World Relativity: The GPS Navigation System" by Richard W. Pogge
"Student Project on the Global Positioning System" by E.F. Taylor
"Einstein's Relativity and Everyday Life" by Clifford M. Will
"General Relativity in the Global Positioning System" by Clifford M. Will
Helmut Wabnig said:
Androcles is a well known expert on DIVISION BY ZERO.

Wabbie is a well-known fuckhead, just like Kinky Wobbly.

Null effect:
Null effect:
Null effect:

In the meantime, Sagnac doesn't have a null effect.
In the meantime Wobbly is a LIAR.

In the meantime, the Maxwell/Lorentz/Fitzgerald Dingleberries are
still championing the following Orwellian school of thought:

Koobee said:
All he can do is to toss around these lousy application notes written
by Einstein Dingleberries that he himself cannot have possibly

Sam like myself also had/has a great canine friend except that mine is
a black lab still alive and behaving very much like a puppy after 11
years of companionship through thousands of miles in the Appalachians
and the Rockies. Hell, Kublai might be the reincarnation of Willow
since Kublai was born in late 1997. Other than that, Sam pathetically
still believes in pagan rituals. <shrug>

Perhaps Koobee has some touble digesting the relativistic corrections
applied to global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). A "proper"
discussion might include some of the details of those relativistic
correction. I would be happy to engage Koobee in those discussions
right here, right now!
All he can do is to toss around these lousy application notes written
by Einstein Dingleberries that he himself cannot have possibly

Sam like myself also had/has a great canine friend except that mine is
a black lab still alive and behaving very much like a puppy after 11
years of companionship through thousands of miles in the Appalachians
and the Rockies.  Hell, Kublai might be the reincarnation of Willow
since Kublai was born in late 1997.  Other than that, Sam pathetically
still believes in pagan rituals.  <shrug>

Thanks for the information.

Let me recap... Here are the Einstein defenders...

Anderthal - pretend professor from norway.
Sam - community college teacher.
Eric - physics BS flunkie
PD - children's book writer
Tom Roberts - backwater IIT professor.

No wonder we can not convince them that relativity is wrong. They are
simply not intelligent enough to elevate their understanding. They
must be so happy ekking out a meager salary, living in a duplex, and
driving a 10 year old corolla that they think upholding the status quo
of relativity keeps them in their great positions in life...
------- AHAHAHAHAHA...ahahahaha... HAHHAHAHA....Koobee Wublee wrote:
Hmmm... Let’s do a recap of the claim of GR and SR applied in GPS.
All Einstein Dingleberries came out trumpeting GR and SR’s success on
GPS. Little did they know how GPS really works. After moortel, a
zealous Einstein Dingleberry itself, suddenly showed a link of how GPS
signals are decoded by GPS receivers, it triggered a renaissance in
scholarly works on the inner workings of GPS. The result enabled true
scholars to show in very **JUNIOR-HIGH MATHEMATICS** that SR
and GR need not to be applied for GPS to work.Sam, the Einsetin Dingleberry, wrote:
Koobee ought to do a little background reading. However, if junior-high
(now commonly referred to an Middle School) mathematics is all he can
handle... he might get discouraged.
"Relativity in the Global Positioning System" by Neil
"Relativistic Effects on Satellite Clocks" by
Neil Ashby
"General Relativity in the Global Positioning System" by Neil Ashby
"Can GPS Test Gravity's Speed of Propagation?" by Neil Ashby
"General Relativity in the Global Positioning System" by Neil Ashby
the rest of Sam's refs like Thomas B Bahder, E.F. Taylor, Clifford M.
Will & Richard W. Pogge, in a hodge-podge of servings of additional
Einstein Dingleberries, were mercifully snipped, becausehanson wrote:
Wublee wrote: "**JUNIOR-HIGH MATHEMATICS** show that
SR & GR need NOT to be applied for GPS to work.**. Even that
should be changed to ".... for GPS to be DESCRIBED", which is
ALL that SR/GR possibly can do.But even high-schoolers can do such a description, not with 39+
equations that Einstein Dingleberries like Ashy need, but in 1 single
fell swoop with Newtonian mechanix for that system, which yields
the 38 u-sec: == (M_e /h ) * (2 G/c^2) * 86400 = 38 microsec ==
see here: or like Sam's mentor and teacher, Tom Potter, has stated, in a few
lines with the equivalent, 442 10^12, in even these alleged 38 u-secs are nothing but Einstein Dingle-
berries themselves. They are only of consequence in the mental
masturbations of NG resident Einstein Dingleberries when in fact,
in the real world:#### **** GPS NEVER NEEDED neither SR nor GR ****
#### Not for its design, manufacturing, testing nor operations...Androcles gives a very good account for the NO-NEED of the 38
u-secs in the many of his tripes. Sam. learn from Potter, Androcles
and Wublee. These guys are and were in industry where things are
CREATED and not just pontificated about, Einstein Dingleberry
style. Thanks for the laughs, though,.... ahahaha... ahahahansonPS:
Here are some words about industry and GPS
-------- --------
****** Contains Einstein Dingleberries *******
.... and charge 5 times the price for that stamp.
Strich.9 said:
Thanks for the information.

Let me recap... Here are the Einstein defenders...

Anderthal - pretend professor from norway.
Sam - community college teacher.
Eric - physics BS flunkie
PD - children's book writer
Tom Roberts - backwater IIT professor.


Einstein's relativity doesn't need defenders!
Sam Wormley said:
Koobee Wublee wrote:
Hmmm... Let’s do a recap of the claim of GR and SR applied in GPS.
All Einstein Dingleberries came out trumpeting GR and SR’s success on
GPS. Little did they know how GPS really works. After moortel, a
zealous Einstein Dingleberry itself, suddenly showed a link of how GPS
signals are decoded by GPS receivers, it triggered a renaissance in
scholarly works on the inner workings of GPS. The result enabled true
scholars to show in very **JUNIOR-HIGH MATHEMATICS** that SR and GR
need not to be applied for GPS to work.

[Repeated nonsense snipped]

"Real-World Relativity: The GPS Navigation System" by Richard W. Pogge

Notice the ex-Darb has walked away from claiming SR and GR necessity
in GPS design. Even professors Andersen and Roberts have walked away
from hard-core acceptance of GPS. However, they are still clinging on
to mystic nature of GPS to keep their religion alive. said:
Perhaps Koobee has some touble digesting the relativistic corrections
applied to global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). A "proper"
discussion might include some of the details of those relativistic
correction. I would be happy to engage Koobee in those discussions
right here, right now!

Sam has shown time to time refusing to discuss the subject matter.
Time after time, all he can do is to repeat the sh*t throwing.

With quite a few Einstein Dingleberries abandoning hard-core belief in
GPS, Sam is getting lonely. <shrug>

Putting aside the fact you have been posting from a VA hospital 5 days
a week every week since September from 9 to 5....

Why is it that people like you have to hide under a pseudonym? Is
making relentless personal attacks made harder when your real name is
associated with them?

How about I start forwarding your messages to the VA abuse department?
I'm sure they'd be interested in knowing government resources are
being wasted in such a way on such a long term basis.
Let me recap...  Here are the Einstein defenders...
Anderthal - pretend professor from norway.
Sam - community college teacher.
Eric - physics BS flunkie
PD - children's book writer
Tom Roberts - backwater IIT professor.
No wonder we can not convince them that relativity is wrong.  They are
simply not intelligent enough to elevate their understanding.  They
must be so happy ekking out a meager salary, living in a duplex, and
driving a 10 year old corolla that they think upholding the status quo
of relativity keeps them in their great positions in life...
[Toxic waste cleansed]

You can cry to anyone including your mommy all you want.  At the end
of the day, you are still a college drop-out.  Ahahaha...

It takes a real man to sling insultes from the comforting safety of a
On Feb 2, 3:04 pm, Koobee Wublee wrote:

It takes a real man to sling insultes from the comforting safety of a

That is not an insult. It is reality. Do you know what reality is?
Hint: You remain a college drop-out. <shrug>

It looks like you have finally capitulated from that nonsense of SR or
GR playing any roles in GPS development. Ahahaha...

Einstein Dingleberries will do anything to perpetuate their nonsense.
However, in the case of GPS, it is junior-high mathematics that comes
to the rescue. The myth promoted by Einstein Dingleberries is forever
shattered by the simple but righteous junior-high mathematics.

In the meantime, I am still chuckling over Strich.9’s comments:

Anderthal - pretend professor from norway.
Sam - community college teacher.
Eric - physics BS flunkie
PD - children's book writer
Tom Roberts - backwater IIT professor.


Thanks for the laughs, folks.
Sam Wormley said:

Einstein's relativity doesn't need defenders!

Sammy make's a good point!

What General Relativity needs is users!

It is helpful to see how General Relativity is being under used
compared to another scientific model.

Watson's and Crick's DNA model
is used every day in medicine, genetics, animal husbandry,
the history of the Earth and Mankind, fighting crime, etc.

I noticed in the news recently,
that the DNA model was recently used to develop
a new form of rice that will prevent 500,000 children
from going blind EVERY YEAR,

and was used to convert blood types,
and that people with rare blood types will have a safe
supply of blood in the future,

and to find out that chickens are related genetically
to dinosaur,

and even to clone a lady's beloved dog.

Considering that General Relativity
is the model of choice when it comes to
designing time travel machines, wrap drives, worm holes,
and auguring the beginning and end of the universe,
and of course, all the events in-between,

the General Relativity Gurus should get busy and create some awesome things.

The economy could sure use a time travel machine,
or even a few worm holes to stuff garbage and global warming into.

It would be profitable to use the auguring capacity of General Relativity
to write a computer program to predict the future.
An auguring system would sell well at race tracks and sporting events.

No doubt the General Relativity was the greatest intellectual
achievement of the 20th Century, as Einstein was declared
"The Man of the Century" by Time Magazine,
the New York Times, and the Washington Post.

It's about time engineers got to work
and used this great intellectual achievement
to design some wonderful things.

Tom Potter
It looks like you have finally capitulated from that nonsense of SR or
GR playing any roles in GPS development.  Ahahaha...

"Navigation Technology Satellite 2 (NTS-2) was successfully launched
on June 23, 1977, into a near-12-hour circular orbit. Precise
frequency and timing signals are derived from the two cesium frequency
standards. This report discusses the launch and preliminary results,
which include verification of the relativistic clock effect. An
international time-transfer experiment is planned, and a worldwide
synchronization accuracy of less than 100 nanoseconds is anticipated,
based on preliminary time-transfer results between Cape Kennedy and
the U.S. Naval Observatory. A proposed NASA laser-tracking network
will be used to verify the accuracy of the Global Positioning System
(GPS) orbits. (Author)"

Your inability to read, comprehend, or adjust is nobody's problem but
yours. FOAD.


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