It appears that Sam Wormley's Pappy
taught him to lie,
or else he has a serious reading comprehension problem.
As can be seen, in many of my posts,
I have described the affects that
the Galileo Effect (Gravity-acceleration)
the Doppler Effect (Velocity),
and the Hubble Effect (Distance)
have on oscillators,
and upon the perceptions of observers.
"The evidence is in Potter's posting record."
not in Sam Wormley's parroting of lies, over and over.
As my Pappy used to say:
"Don't believe lies and hearsay."
"If you want good information
get it from the horse's mouth,
not from a horse's ass."
The ring laser interferometer has a laser process that generates two
frequencies of laser light.
In every section of the ring laser cavity, the light propagates with
the same velocity in either direction. For the sake of simplicity,
assume that all emitted photons are emitted in a direction parallel to
the ring. (That is in fact a huge simplification, but it does not
affect the content of this exposition.) The atoms in the laser cavity,
represented as grey dots in the animation, have a thermal velocity,
and on average they have a velocity in counter-clockwise direction
along the ring. The molecules in the laser cavity can be seen as
resonators. A passing photon will stimulate emission of the excited
molecule only if the frequency of the passing photon exactly matches
the frequency of the photon that the molecule is ready to emit.
I understand this but in space as a ring passes through a
gravitational field circles become slightly oblong and stretched even
at non-relativistic speeds so I don’t trust their accuracy since the
circular paths of passing photons will stimulate the wrong emission of
the excited molecules causing the frequency of the passing photon not
to match exactly with the frequency of the photon that the molecule is
ready to emit.