No wonder we can not convince them that relativity is wrong. They are
simply not intelligent enough to elevate their understanding. They
must be so happy ekking out a meager salary, living in a duplex, and
driving a 10 year old corolla that they think upholding the status quo
of relativity keeps them in their great positions in life...
I don't have a stake in this fight. I am simply looking to learn.
The difference between the clock speed on the GPS satellites and the
speed that the same clock would run at on the ground appears to be
well established.
Your evidence for this prejudice?
I would be interested to learn of any published
papers that show a calculation of what the clock speed difference
should be, using effects other than relativity.
Or, could one of the "relativity doesn't exist" folks detail a
calculation of what the clock speed difference should be, using the
causes that you consider as most likely. If your approach is valid, I
would expect that it should yield the clock speed difference that has
been observed on the GPS satellites.
No "clock speed difference" has been observed, other than the normal
differences one would expect from one clock to another. My wrist
watch doesn't keep exact pace with my computer, neither do I expect
it to as long as it is reasonable and +/- 3 minutes a year is adequate.
I can still time a car journey with it as accurately as I'll ever need.
Indeed, no two satellites keep exactly the same time either, and
there are FIVE atomic clocks being averaged at the US Naval
Observatory, so obviously they don't keep exact time individually
The Tom-tom or Garmin sat-nav that almost everybody owns these
days doesn't have an atomic clock, therefore nobody is finding a
difference between the clock speed on the GPS satellites and the
speed that the same clock would run at on the ground. Yet these
devices work to everyone's satisfaction, the main complaint being
map errors, not positional errors, which remains +/-15 metres
horizontally. Quite simply, the device only uses satellite time.
To say that relativity is needed for GPS to function is as ridiculous
as saying the weight of an ant needs to be known to weigh an elephant,
only a crank fanatic would make such a claim.
What kind of lunacy prompted Einstein to say
the speed of light from A to B is c-v,
the speed of light from B to A is c+v,
the "time" each way is the same?
Here it is:
The dorks will deny he ever did.
According to Cretin
Easy: he did NOT say that.
According to cretin van lintel, Einstein did not write the equation he
According to Imbecile Jimmy Black:
" In neither system (meaning frame of reference in modern-day terminology)
is the speed of light c-v or c+v. In both systems the speed of light is c."
According to Imbecile Jimmy Black, Einstein did not write the equation he
According to Cretin Dork Bruere
I don't give a damn what Einstein wrote.
According to Lying Little Shit Matthew Johnson
And even the question is wrong! For he never said any such thing.
This should be painfully obvious from what he _did_ say,
namely, that the vacuum speed of light is a constant of nature,
invariant under all admissable [sic] transformations between
inertial reference frames.
Apparently LLS Matthew Johnson has rewritten Einstein's paper.
A team of scientists working under the direction of researchers from the
University of Sussex have recently discovered that Einstein did not say
According to LLS Matthew Johnson, Einstein did not write the equation he
According to Chief Wanker Uncle Stooopid Schwartz:
"c+v appears nowhere in the paper, nor could it. [sic]
According to Chief Wanker Uncle Stooopid, Einstein did not write the
equation he wrote.